Hey guys!
So yes, it has been a few weeks I have not made a point to actually post an update, because I wasn't feeling too well and had myself sent over to A&E Department to get my GE treated. I was on 4 days Medical Leave. Gosh!! What's happening to me? LOL!! Been pretty tired. Need to calm down......and RELAX......Alhamdulilah! Doing so much better few days!
So let's start!!
It's the 22nd November today and I've yet to get my menses. I think I was pretty stressed out these few weeks after the HyFoSy was done. With works and stuffs..Been feeling low lately.. I am so sure its the hormones and PMS combining.. Menses is around the corner.. *sneaking*
So today was my appointment with my RE at her office. Today I was seen by another Dr who was part of the medical team. Used to be Dr Neha, so today it's Dr Shu.
And it was amazing! I mean, the whole process took less than 45 minutes to my surprise!
Came in at 9am as my appointment was scheduled at 9.30am. Had a light breakfast and head over to the clinic again..
Sat down and about 5 minutes later I was called in. Was enjoying my cookie run game.. Lol!!
So i was greet by this Dr who looks pretty firm but to my surprise she was great! So here is the conversation:
Dr: Hi Ms ********, have a seat!
Me: Hi Dr Shu! Thank you!
Dr: Alright, so how are you feeling these days?
Me: Pretty good! Alil stressed out but bearable.
Dr: I see, sure! Take it easy alright. So, had your menses for this month dear?
Me: Urmm Nope.. I had the HyFoSy done on the 26th October 2017, I was due to have it by 16th-18th November. Still no show. Anyway, it's irregular... She will come.. hehe..
Dr: *smiled* no worries on that. Alright! So here are your scan results.. So far everything is normal! Your tubes are patent waith drastic flow. No blockage was seen during the scan in real time. And amazingly, you have 16 antral follicles on your right ovaries & 3 on your left. making a total of 19 antral follicles! Which is excellent! As normal levels are between 15-25 for your age range.
Me: *felt so much relieved* Alhamdulilah! That's an amazing news, i suppose?
Dr: yes it is, so now I need your OGTT results.
Me: *passed to her*
Dr: Oh ok.. your HBA1C is in the optimal almost ideal range now! Previously it was 8.2mmol/L (unacceptable) then it was 7.2mmol/L (suboptimal) and now, after 1 month difference it's 6.6mmol/L! That's great!
Me: Yeah! Did some modifications in my diet. *smile*
Dr: Yes dear that's good, continue doing that.. *reading my results* ok now.. as for your OGTT results, it's stated here that between 8-11 is considered as Diabetes Mellitus or diabetic.. here your results stated that you are at 13 .....Which is....
Me: *Heartache* sighs.. yes I know.. I have a family history on that....
Dr: ....Now... Not to worry, having diabetes is common but not all of them manage to control it, but you did! Your HBA1C is great! You can lead normally, same goes for other diseases like Hypertension, Gout & Depressions.. All can be controlled and you can lead your life normally. OGTT is just a test to diagnose if the person is diabetic or not. Once the results is obtain, proper treatment can be made and ensuring that the condition doesn't falls into any potential complications if the person was not diagnosed beforehand. So you should be glad to know that you had it before you are pregnant dear. Taking necessary precaution and ensuring your health is at its best peak for a healthy pregnancy. *smiling*
Me: Yes I know that.. *smiled*
Dr: Now don't let that news take a toll on you real hard, you are still healthy! Plus, even your cholesterol level are down trending which is amazing! Keep it up!
*you guys have no idea how surprise I had both of that chronic disease*
Me: Thank you Dr!
Dr: Sure, ok now let's start with the next step. I am going to start you on CLOMID for 1 cycle.
Me: *Shocked* really?! (I really didn't expect to hear that at all from this consultation session)
Dr: Yes! Your Antral Follicles Counts (AFC) are looking great! Your HBA1C level is good! We can start you on this but do take note that the chances for you to get twins or triplets are high. Also, you can only start conceiving in February 2018 as you are currently in the MMR Jab timeline period to avoid.
Me: *felt happy deep inside me* Yes yes! Sure! Noted on that!
Dr: Alright? Now, let's make use of these period to boost your body with Folic Acid.. I will supply for you 4 months of this and you need to take them daily if possible alright?
Me: *Nodded* sure!
Dr: And... *took out an advice on CLOMID drug intake* here, you need to follow this steps..

So on this chart are the steps you need to follow during your clomid session. This is your first time to have it, so do take note on the side effects that you may have! Like hot flushes, nausea, giddiness and such. if it's so severe, do take it after food. But if the side effect prolong and signs of allergies occurs, do stop the medication and drop by to our O&G 24hrs department alright?
Me: *Nodded*
So we will have you on the "CLOMID 1" chart. 2nd day of your menses, you NEED & MUST take it and shouldn't stop for 1 day. Then on CD8, you need to have intercourse with your spouse alright. See those "HEART" shape? Yes, you need to overtime alright. *giggling*
Me: *laughed* alright noted on that! *biting session with mountain bear will commence soon!*
Dr: Yeah? Alright then, on the CD 21, you need to drop by to take your blood test. Progesterone Blood Test. To see if it increases. This is to see if you have ovulated aright?
Me: *read through the advice form* alright noted on that.
Dr: So the pharmacist will pass you the medications and also explain to you on the details alright? And I need you to get your clinic Dr to check on you for you diabetes alright? If possible every 3-6 months to have your HBA1C done. Be it with or without any metformin aright?
Me: Yes sure I will update on the next visit here.
Dr: Ok, you have a seat outside, do you need any MC for today dear?
Me: No Thanks, I Good! *Got up and collect my documents* Excuse myself to the toilet..
So smiling, I was trying to cool down and not get to excited as there's a crowd out here.
So made the payment. For consultation today, it was $30.40. And the medication for Folic Acid 4 months & 5 tabs of Clomid 50mg is $1.80. Amazing isn't it?!
So the pharmacist handed me this details on the Clomid Drugs.I didn't had the chance to read it yet but decide to share this to you ladies who might be interested to know!

So after the appointment, I decide to head over to my mom's place and hang out with them before heading to work for the afternoon! It was a great great great day for me! Knowing that my dream of becoming a mom is 1 step closer and possible! I believe that everything happens for a reason for all of HIS creations.
So as I'm typing now in my workplace, had my Co-enzyme 10 supplement, metformin 500mg & folic acid taken. i'm feeling alright!
Next appointment will be on January 2018 for my cyst ultrasounds. And the appointment with my RE again is on 28th March 2018. So exciting!!
So till then! See you guys on the next post!