Sunday, 20 September 2020

CD5 - #2 IVF Cycle Starts!

Hey Ladies!

Finally the day has come that I am going to start a new cycle of IVF Round 2!

So as I mentioned on my previous post, seeing the trend of my menses since April, I will be having my September 2020 menses on the 16th.. 

And it did arrive on the 16th!! Amazing!!! LOL!!

So called the IVF Department and scheduled a scan on the next day.

So came down to the clinic at 7.30am, I was queue no 6.

Waited till 8 am when my number was called.

So went in and de-gown to have the transvaginal scan done.

So the sonographer was gentle and quick!

So here is my results from the scan

 17th September 2020, Thursday @ 8.05am

Transvaginal Scan
CD 2

Right Ovary - Tiny Follicles

Left Ovary - Tiny Follicles

Uterus Lining - 2.6mm

It took 10 minutes and I was escort to the next room for the injection schedules with the senior staff nurse.

Waited for 15 mins and my turn was call.

So for this cycle, I was given 3 drugs to inject with..

Oh my god............

So here are the drugs that I will be injecting for the next 9 days.

1 x Gonal F Pen 900iu & 5 vials x Orgalutran 0.25mg
Menopur 600 iu with 9 sets of 29G needles

So collected them from the pharmacy and I head over to the treatment room to have it injected.
Nurse Beh is amazing!! This will be her 5th time injecting for me with no pain felt. I was really surprise by her method!
So for the next 2 days I needed to have it injected and I asked for the help from my department Dr to inject it for me.. He, too has done it amazingly! I did not felt any pain! Only when I need to inject on the right side of my belly, I tend to be more sensitive and able to feel the pain.

So the schedules are as follow!

17th Sept - Orgalutran  0.25ml
18th Sept - Orgalutran  0.25ml
19th Sept - Orgalutran  0.25ml
20th Sept - Gonal F 150iu & Menopur 75iu
21st Sept - Gonal F 150iu & Menopur 75iu
22nd Sept - Gonal F 150iu & Menopur 75iu
23rd Sept - Gonal F 150iu & Menopur 75iu
24th Sept - Gonal F 150iu & Menopur 75iu & Orgalutran 0.25ml
25th Sept (2ND SCAN DAY) - Orgalutran 0.25ml

Urghhhh.... I hate the Orgalutran injections! The needles to me are thicker! As for Menopur, it's a new drug to me. And I am super stressed up with the injection schedules.. I thought I was prepared for the injections, but I wasn't.. Hehehe.... trying my best to go through it day by day with less over-thinking.
They also gave Mountain Bear to take Azithromycin 250mg x 4 tabs (1gm) to be taken on the 20th September 2020. Which he did and done during our breakfast this morning.

So yeah, I am trying my best to stay well hydrated and control my diabetes as well.. Tried stopping drinking any cold icy water, and reduce 80% on sweet stuffs.. Taking hot red dates drinks & pre-pregnancy milk.
Alright ladies, that's all for now.. I will update soonest! Take care!

1 comment:

  1. Hi may I know what is the total cash outlay for your #2 IVF journey?



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