Morning ladies!!
So today is a beautiful day and an amazing day for me!
I am currently 19dpo (days post ovulations) or 14dp5dt (days post 5 day transfer)
I was told to come to IVF dept to get my blood drawn at 7.30am but I decide to come at 9am as I was super nervous on the outcome.
But before we get to the outcome, let's go back a week before.
So roughly on 6dp5dt (13th October 2020), I started testing my pregnancy test kit for fun as I realized that I had a whole cabinet of different kinds of test kit that I purchase during my trying to conceive naturally period. And when I did the test, I saw a faint line.. I tried 3 other types of brand, and true enough, it's still a visible faint line. I wasn't hoping not feeling excited as I know it's too early & it reminded me of my miscarriage back in November 2019 when the line was constantly faint for few days. Also, I assume that the Trigger Shot was still in my system, had it injected on 1st Oct, now it's 13th October, it should be out of my system by today.. Did a Clearblue Digital, it's negative... Oh well, I couldn't care for now. So threw the test and forgotten about that.

7dp5dt (14th October 2020) Did another test (3 different brand with different sensitivity) I started seeing a line!! Faint but darker than yesterday.. I got distracted. Am I pregnant?? I was using my First Morning Urine (FMU) and I tried again using my evening urine.. The line were darker... I was very cautious with showing this to Mountain Bear.. I didn't want him to get upset if it fails.. So I kept to myself..

10dp5dt (17th October 2020) First Morning Urine, I knew it will still be faint.. And I was ready to get upset if it does and knew that it was a fail cycle. I started having cramps and my boobs were aching.. I had diarrhea and then constipated. Just like my pre menstrual symptoms.. I knew I will be due for my period tomorrow or the following day. So I just pee again and wait 3 minutes for the test to shown. I really hold my breath during those period as I continue showering. 3 minutes has pass.. I fear on looking at the test.. My heart wanted it to be darker, but my brain told me to be mentally and emotionally prepared for the worst.

There were 2 lines ladies, a really solid not a faint kind lines... a really 2 lines! I finally get to see 2 lines on a pregnancy test from my own urine and not from my patients when I did their tests.. It was from my own urine! I cried.. I really cried in the shower.. I was so thankful to God and prayed hard it's a sticky bean! I clean myself up and waited for mountain bear to get home.

He got home, greet him as usual and off he went for a shower. I made for him his favourite drink and had it place on the dining table. Once he's all dress up and sat on the couch comfortably, I showed him the test from 7dpt5dt which was the faint ones.. He told me, "My love, don't torture yourself with these alright? It's still faint dear... We will just wait for the blood test alright?" I clearly understood what he meant. He didn't want me to get upset with it.. I nodded and smile and showed him the test I did this morning 10dp5dt.. And I told him, compare both test, can you see 2 lines? He looked carefully and nodded, without saying anything.. I knew that He didn't want me to get my hopes high up and yet he wanted it to be real. I knew he wanted that.. So I told him, I will do another test the morning of the BETA BLOOD TEST. He nodded smiling..

The night before the blood test 13dp5dt, I took another test.. LOL!! I couldn't wait.. LOL!! Mountain Bear patiently waiting outside of my toilet to see if I did another test. I did and I showed him.. That cheeky smile he shown to me.. That amazing hugs I always gotten from him, I knew he knows that it's official.. I am pregnant from the Home Pregnancy Test (HPT) But we still want to know how long are we in this gestational. So the blood test is the final answer.
13dp5dt evening urine test
So Mountain Bear was not able to accompany me to the blood test, and I went on my own. Arrived at 9.16am, I waited till 10.22am for my number to be call. I was attended by my favourite Nurse Beh. I also brought some goodies I made for the frontliners. So I sat down and greet Nurse Beh happily! She remembered me! I took out my Beta Request Lab Form and hand it to her. At the same time, I showed her a pregnancy test I did in the morning which was blazing red positive. She smile and hold my hand,
"Let's Pray It A Positive Outcome alright?" And I smiled to her too, nodding!
She told me, "Still, I will need to see the Beta results.. It needs to be above 250iu/L to be confirmed alright? If it's a borderline, we need to repeat another 2 days" I nodded and pray hard it will be a great outcome. So she use the Butterfly needle and with 1 poke, she managed to get my blood! Had it sent as urgent blood, I decide to hang around the hospital. I was told by a member from a forum group that she waited for her blood test and was confirmed pregnant, she needed to collect more medications and forms for the next follow up. So I told her that I will be off for early lunch and return by noon. So my blood was sent out at 10.30am, I went to eat some chicken rice from the stalls and head back to the clinic at 11.45am. I sat down and listen to my music. Saw about 2-3 ladies waiting for their blood test as well. I sat down quietly at the corner and waited for the nurse to call me.

While waiting, the time shows 12.15am.. No one approached me yet and I was keen to know my test results.. Then I recalled, Health Hub App, which I could trace to see my blood test results.. So I went through the app and singpass login, clicked on Personal Health - Lab Test Results and there, I saw today's date. 21st October 2020 - Beta Serum Results.. I took a deep breath and kept chanting to myself.. Please let it be above 250iu/L, at least a 500iu/L I will be happy.. I was trying to delay scrolling to see the results for few minutes then I decide to click open to see the results..
My heart dropped..
The results came back at
I am pregnant.. Alhamdulilah.... I am pregnant!!
I felt super emotional at the corner and hoping no one saw me teared up.
10 minutes later, I received a call from IVF dept and I told the nurse I was outside at the waiting area.
She came out and meet me
"Congratulation Dear, your blood test is positive! We will arrange an appointment for an ultrasound for your 6 weeks 3 days." I hold her hand and thank her so much! She smiled and pass my folder to another staff who will do the arrangement. Then from far I saw Nurse Beh! She saw me and I waved at her! She came to me and I showed her my Beta results, she smiled and hold my hand!! "Congratulation dear!! So happy for you! You must take care alright? We will see you around okies!"
And pat my shoulder and hold my hands like a caring mum. My heart felt amazing....I quickly message Mountain Bear..
I was soo happy!! So I was called by the staff and the arrangements were made. She asked me to collect my medication before heading home. Collected the medications from Pharmacy and I went home by 3pm.
Beta Blood Test - $60
Progesterone Tablet + Folic Acid (1 Month Supply) - $8
Indeed, I felt happy this cycle! I didn't have any bloatness like #1 Cycle IVF. No issue peeing or pooping.. It was worth it after all.. All the pain, the fear that I had during the injections and scans and procedures.. Allah has answered our wish and prayers.. Syukur Alhamdulilah!!
The Injections
The number of Pregnancy Kit I took before a Positive
And I prayed that these will be a smooth 9 months sailing for us & our 1st child...
Will update soonest! Lot of love from us!!
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