Hello My Beautiful ladies!
On 5th October 2020, I received a call from my IVF Department Team that our lil eggies are growing well and the transfer will be made on the Day 5 or known as the Blastocyst stage! And they wanted me to come to the department at 10.20am. But before that, at 7.45am, I need to do a blood test for Full Blood Count. They just want to make sure that my White Blood Cells are not raise badly. But of course, after the Egg Retrieval day, we are bound to have a raise in WBC as it's an invasive procedure. That's why I was told to take my antibiotics a day before the procedure to reduce the chance of developing any infection or fever.
Alhamdulilah! I updated Mountain Bear on the news and we were estatic! So Mountain Bear took off for the egg transfer date and now, we wait! Hehehe!
TIPS: WARM YOUR WOMBS 2 DAYS BEFORE THE EGG TRANSFER. Embryo loves warm womb when they are being transferred. Also, it helps more blood circulations to the womb region. Stop doing it once the embryo has been transferred. Use thick socks and jacket to warm up. Continue taking in Pregnancy Milk & Warm Water or red date. No cold water until Beta blood test day.
7th October 2020, Wednesday, 7.30am
We reached our IVF Department and I went to queue for my blood work.. As the crowd gets bigger, Mountain Bear decide to wait in the other room. My number was next and I went in to get my blood taken. Nurse Beh is amazing! I just love her! Especially when she did those stim injections on my belly! No pain at all! I am amaze by her skills! LOL! So today, after 2 tries, I manage to get my blood drawn by her on the 3rd. Mind you, my veins are extremely difficult to find and I didn't blame her for the multiple injections. So I thank her and was told the results will be out in 2 hours as she had place my sample as urgent. And I was told to have a breakfast before proceeding to the IVF Level 3 for the Egg Transfer. So we went to grab some quick breakfast and I wanted to drink Mr Bean Hot Soya Milk badly. Drank that and head to Level 3 at around 9.30am.
10am, Wednesday @ IVF LEVEL 3
My Bladder is almost bursting.. LOL!! They needed my bladder to be full to allow the a smooth and uneventful transfer. Roughly 10mins later, I was called by the Nurse to change.. Nurse Adeline assisted Dr Liu in my transfer. Mountain Bear also gown up in PPE and I had to de-gown before proceeding to the Transfer room. So I lay down and Nurse Adeline did a quick scan over my abdomen. Yep, Very full bladder.. LOL!
Dr Liu arrived! So I was excited to know how our eggies are doing! So she open up the file and update me on the details.
Dr Liu: Alright dear, we collected 24 eggs, that's a lot of eggs.. 17 fertilized, the rest are unusable due to their sizes. 8 eggs we used IVF method, 9 we use ICSI method. We got 12 Blastocysts growing and 2 of them were the best and well expanded blastocyst, which will be transferred today. So now, we know what we should do. The eggs are growing well and we will transfer the best 1 to your womb and 1 will be freeze today. Sounds good?
Me: Awesome! Thank you Dr Liu!
Dr Liu: Sure, ok, so let me have a look at your womb first. *moving the ultrasound device over my abdomen* Alright, as of today, there is no free fluids in the womb. We are good to go!
So, she started gowning up and they lay the huge sterile green drape over my legs. Dr Liu start inserting the speculum into me and did some cleaning. Felt a lil discomfort but wasn't bad.
So I was told to see the screen as the Embryologist put up my details and the blastocyst on the monitor.. Subhanallah.. I felt in love with my blastocyst. It looked beautiful! So after verifying my details, the embryologist gently suck the blastocyst into a very thin straw like tube and bring it over to our room. As I see over the ultrasound screen, I could see the tube being inserted into my womb and saw a white dot at the upper region of my womb. My lil blastocyst is here.. In me..

Done! So Dr Liu gently remove the speculum and clean me up. She got up and wish us all the best before proceeding to another case to attend. I lay there for about 10mins before the embryologist came out with a photo of our beautiful Blastocyst and explained to us on the counting. She mentioned that they will continue to monitor the rest of the embryos and update us in the next 2 days on the number of Blastocyst to be frozen. So I got up, clean myself and keep admiring our blastocyst.. I felt at ease seeing it.. It was totally different from my previous cycle, It really looked full and expanded, ready to hatch anytime.. So we got into the car and head home.. I could feel a sharp pinch almost to my left pelvic area. But it was a 1 time sensation. After that, nothing!

So got home, I continue laying down with my thick socks and warm water. So today is considered 0dp5dt (0 days post 5 day transfer) 0 Days means the blastocyst just transferred to my womb, 5 day transfer means the embryo day, in this case a Blastocyst.
eg. 3dp4dt means it's 3 days post 4 days embryo (morula) transferred.
For the next 5 days, I am not suppose to do any pregnancy test as my Ovidrel Trigger Shot is still in my system. only on 6dp5dt, I can start checking using a sensitive test to find out the outcome.
Here are a list of Pregnancy test kit that you can try! They are my favourite! LOL! Plus, they are cheaper than retail and I am please with the test when I used them.
So what to do during these Two Weeks Wait?
- Continue taking in your PREGNANCY MILK FORMULA 2 TIMES DAILY
- FOLIC ACID x 1 every morning
- Insert CRINONE GEL vaginally 2 times daily and MUST WALK 10 MINS to allow absorption and avoid black or dark brown discharges when peeing or washing
- AVOID HOT SHOWER/ BATHS - to avoid infection and drastic raise body temperature
- Continue wearing SOCK every night to bed.
- Pee Frequently, DO NOT STORE YOUR URINE TOO MUCH, this will cause pain when peeing.
So that's for now ladies! I will update you on the outcome soon ya! To those who are going through IVF, all the best and do not give up!
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