As what the title state, I am currently waiting for her grand exit before I can call the IVF Department for my hormone injections..
I'm sure they will be giving me the same kind of drugs... PUREGON but with a higher dosage. I am just trying to be positive here...
Also, I am starting to have all these PMS symptoms popping... Like cramping, diarrhoea, slight headache and which is new to me, a pimple like growth at my libia minora.. I mean, that's what I've realized. Every time now since November 2019, I will have this pimple popping at my libia and disappear once Aunt Flo arrive..
Is it just me that's having this? Or some other ladies encounter this as well...?
I wasn't sure if my work bathroom bidet is causing this trauma to my sensitive mi lady parts, or my nails are causing it after wiping them water on mi lady.. Hahahaha!!
But as for our HIV/STD/SYPHILIS status are negative & mountain bear is my only partner, I wasn't worried on that STD stuffs.. Just that it's irritating to have that pimple, at the wrong place other than my face, rubbing against the minora when walking and sitting.. Urgh... Whyy laaa...
So apart from that, I've been POAS (Pee-on-a-stick) since 2 days ago because I was just bored.. LOL!! Thinking that my menses is not here yet could be the reason that I am finally pregnant and I could stop to proceed my IVF procedure..'s negative... And I am not due yet for Aunt Flo to arrive today.. BUT! I knew that my cycles are alil haywired, she could just arrive whenever she wants.. I mean like... Hey..... I got no complaints on that.. The faster the better!
Actually, this post has no heading.. LOL! I am currently at work, waiting for my patients to arrive for consultation, and I will be off to ED later to accompany my mum to have her swollen legs assess.. I was pretty worried if it was DVT (Deep Vein Thrombosis) but other half of my assessments feels its just edema due to her CVA 5 years ago.. Hoping for the best!
Anyways, have a great weekend ahead ladies!!
Keep reading if you find it interesting... Everyone you meet is fighting a battle you know nothing about.
Sunday, 15 March 2020
Wednesday, 11 March 2020
3rd March 2020 - IVF Briefing & Counselling
Hey Ladies!!
So yeah.. Today is the day for the next big move in our infertility treatment..It's 7am in the morning and mountain bear is already awake, watering the plants and feeding the fishes... I am still struggling to wake up after a long night out and recovering from our annual leave mood.. I just want to snuggle under my warm comforter and sleep away... But mountain bear has started his waking routine.. hehe..
So today have an appointment with the Dr for the IVF Counselling & Briefing Seminar.
And due to the COVID-19 outbreak, special or tedious steps, which i like to call; we need to get our temperature taken at the entrance of the facilities before proceeding to the seminar room.
We are the first to arrive to the seminar room at 8.35am..
So upon reaching the seminar room, we were greeted by 2 registered nurse who escort us into the room & have us seated at the registration counter.
Please do remember to bring along these items!
They will take these and have it scanned into their records. As they were doing that, we were told to fill up a travel declaration form, a medical record which consist of
- Last menstrual period date
- Marriage year
- How many year trying to conceive
- Any IUI/IVF done previously
- Any success IUI/IVF live birth
- Any pregnancy/miscarriage
- Any medical condition
- Surgeries done previously
- Any live birth/ kids
.......and more......
Once we complete that, they allow us to choose a table to seat before the talk starts.
Along with us, there are 2 other couples joining us. Both of them seems to be more older than us in the room.
So the first intro is being conducted by the Registered Nurse who explain to us on the steps and charges, bills that is being brought into this cycle.
Estimated Average Cost for 1 Cycle - $12,000 - $16,000 (IVF - ICSI Procedures)
Additional Procedures (Not included above) are:
This is a great website that explains to you on the process.. Click on it!
Stage 5 - Embryo Transfer
If there is fertilization, the resulting embryos will be replaced into your womb. This is the most anticipating period ever!! I will be super nervous & worried if we will ever reach this day! This procedure does not require any sedation or admission. They will advice to have your husband by your side when the transfer is made, and you will be told to rest for at least 30 minutes post transfer. This procedure will be done during your Hospitalization leave period. And then, you have to wait till the blood test day.
Insyallah, once I start my March 2020 menses, I will upload my progression with actual photo to share with you ladies on my journey! It's 2.30am and I need to work tomorrow!!
That's all for now ladies!!
So yeah.. Today is the day for the next big move in our infertility treatment..It's 7am in the morning and mountain bear is already awake, watering the plants and feeding the fishes... I am still struggling to wake up after a long night out and recovering from our annual leave mood.. I just want to snuggle under my warm comforter and sleep away... But mountain bear has started his waking routine.. hehe..
So today have an appointment with the Dr for the IVF Counselling & Briefing Seminar.
And due to the COVID-19 outbreak, special or tedious steps, which i like to call; we need to get our temperature taken at the entrance of the facilities before proceeding to the seminar room.
We are the first to arrive to the seminar room at 8.35am..
So upon reaching the seminar room, we were greeted by 2 registered nurse who escort us into the room & have us seated at the registration counter.
Please do remember to bring along these items!
They will take these and have it scanned into their records. As they were doing that, we were told to fill up a travel declaration form, a medical record which consist of
- Last menstrual period date
- Marriage year
- How many year trying to conceive
- Any IUI/IVF done previously
- Any success IUI/IVF live birth
- Any pregnancy/miscarriage
- Any medical condition
- Surgeries done previously
- Any live birth/ kids
.......and more......
Once we complete that, they allow us to choose a table to seat before the talk starts.
Along with us, there are 2 other couples joining us. Both of them seems to be more older than us in the room.
So the first intro is being conducted by the Registered Nurse who explain to us on the steps and charges, bills that is being brought into this cycle.
- Registration - $133.75
- Counselling & Sign Consent - $248.24
- Down regulation Procedures - $240.00
- ART Stimulation Procedures - $1060.00
- IVF/ICSI Procedures - $7500.00 - $8300.00
- Medications - Hormones Drugs - $3000 - $6000
Estimated Average Cost for 1 Cycle - $12,000 - $16,000 (IVF - ICSI Procedures)
Additional Procedures (Not included above) are:
- Laser Assisted Hatching - $695.50
- Blastocyst Culture - $535.00
- Embryo Freezing Fee - $428.00 (due to unforeseen situation that the embryo cannot be transfer to the womb)
- Annual Embryo Storage Fee - $494.34 (up to 10 years)
- Sperm Freezing Fee - $256.60
Phewww!!!! That's alot of money!! But apart of all these, the government has introduce the ACP fund which can be used for such procedure up to $15,000! Which is broken up into
- First Time - up to $6000
- Second Time - up to $5000
- 3rd, 4th, 5th & so on - up to $4000
And you are able to use your Medisave, up to $7000 for the IVF... Mountain Bear has mentioned to me beforehand that he will bear all these cost & use his medisave account for them to deduct it this cycle and also for the previous IUI cycle..
Such a blessing! But we have put aside $$$$$ cash in case they needed additional testings or procedures.
Also, even though you have done IUI previously, you still need to repeat another couple blood test which consist of
- Anti- Mullerian Hormone - $70.00
- HIV Screen - $34.00
- Syphillis Screen (Treponema Pallidum Antibody - CMIA) - $30.00
- Hepatitis B Surface Antigen - $28.00
- Hepatitis C Antibody - $49.00
- HBA1C (for suspected/confirm case) - I did this in my department for free (roughly $34.00)
- HIV Screen - $34.00
- Syphillis Screen (Treponema Pallidum Antibody - CMIA) - $30.00
- Hepatitis B Surface Antigen - $28.00
- Hepatitis C Antibody - $49.00
Total: $352.00 (after subsidy we paid $176.00)
Yes...... Both of you will go through this. Either before the IVF briefing date or the same day, which we did on the same day after the counselling ends.. So after the financial billing charges explanation done by the Nurses, comes the Doctor who will brief us through the process of the IVF..
Per cycle duration: (estimation)
Total Short Cycle - 6 weeks (which I will be on)
Total Long Cycle - 2.5 Months
Stage 1 - Stimulation Process
To stimulate the ovaries to produce follicles containing the oocytes. This procedure starts on your 1st day menses. You will be told to call the IVF Department to collect the hormone drugs which you will have to inject them on the next day (DAY 2) of your current cycle. This subcutaneous injection will be done over your belly region. Just like during IUI but the dosage will be double or increased. This will continue till Cycle Day 10.
DAY 1 - DAY 10 - Full Flow Menses
Stage 2 - Antagonist Injection
To prevent spontaneous ovulation. This drug will be given to you once your scans has shown the ideal size and amount of egg ready for the retrieval. This injection has to be done at the precise timing advice by your Dr. Any delay in injecting this drug will cause timing error when the retrieval day is scheduled. Please take this seriously and have it injected correctly.
Stage 3 - Maturation
Aim to mature the oocyte for recovery (egg retrieval procedure). During this time, the husband need to procedure his sperm, freshly through masturbation and have it pass to the IVF department himself with his ID. Also, the wife needs to fast for the procedure and requires the husband to accompany her back once the procedure is done. If no one is able to accompany the wife home, admission is needed to monitor. Also, if the husband is unable to produce fresh sperm on the same day due to work or outstation, they are able to produce the sperm before hand, 1 week earlier or before flying off but this require the freezing fee. The wife will be given 19 to 21 days of Hospitalization leave while husband won't be given any MC. *Sad* Also, they mentioned that it's ideally great to get 5 - 10 eggs during the retrieval procedure.
Stage 4 - Oocyte Recovery & Fertilization
This stage occurs in the lab.. the Embryologist will carry out their magical hands to ensure that these oocytes develop into a blastocyst. There are 2 method they will be carrying out.
IVF Step Method - Oocytes are place on the agar plate and sperm will swim to it by itself
ICSI Step Method - A single strong sperm will be injected into the oocytes (We choose this)
These method will take place for 5 days post recovery. The strong & successful conception will turn the oocytes into blastocyst. They did mentioned on the grading of the oocytes.. OOCTYES GRADING EXPLANATION
This is a great website that explains to you on the process.. Click on it!
Stage 5 - Embryo Transfer
If there is fertilization, the resulting embryos will be replaced into your womb. This is the most anticipating period ever!! I will be super nervous & worried if we will ever reach this day! This procedure does not require any sedation or admission. They will advice to have your husband by your side when the transfer is made, and you will be told to rest for at least 30 minutes post transfer. This procedure will be done during your Hospitalization leave period. And then, you have to wait till the blood test day.
Insyallah, once I start my March 2020 menses, I will upload my progression with actual photo to share with you ladies on my journey! It's 2.30am and I need to work tomorrow!!
That's all for now ladies!!
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