(My Lovely Cat! Emann at my friend's place now)
Alright! So lets start with the first one!!!
Since CD14, I was hoping that my ovulation will occur or CD15-CD16 as mentioned by most ladies but then again I wasn't having any of those EWCM (Egg White Cervical Mucus) texture yet.. Still was dry and sticky down there.. Having extreme headaches and dizziness!
So I thought, hmm.. Maybe I might be ovulating late or no longer ovulating..
So jump to CD19, I started to realised that I am having some of EWCM discharges and thinking.. Maybe this is it? So got home and checkon the OPKs and it was still not as dark as i want it to be.. I was having low blood pressure of 99/62.. Very rare of me to have those readings.. In fact, never had that level before.. (below photo is CD19)
So CD20, went to work and realised im having some discharges coming out, to my surprise, it was stringy and stretchy exactly like an egg white texture when you play in between your fingers.. (can't upload the video of it) So decide to have my OPKs done and BOOM!!! Those gorgeous lines!! Those lines are darker than the control lines!! Eventually it gets darker post 10mins!
I was really really amazed! Am I really ovulating?? And manage to catch that sneaky egg this time? So Mountain Bear and I decide to have the deeds done for the next few days till today, which is CD24.. But on CD21, i started to have alot of discharges down there.. it looks lotiony and creamy discharges.. Which I never had it before.. And it drags for 2 days straight.. In my life, i never had such discharges even before my menses.. So i assume that the clomid has to do something with it.. Its like glob or blob kinda discharges..
And I can say that I am currently on 3DPO.. 3rd day post ovulation that is... So far, not much of a symptom.. I tried my best not to pinpoint the signs at all.. I wouldn't want to be heartbroken like last cycle..
Also, I was told to do my CD21 Progesterone level.. Which I forgotten to note that that test only applies to thsoe who are ovulating on CD14.. As for my case, I ovulated on CD20 and doing the test on CD21 is obviously not even accurate and sadly my test came in 3.6nmol/dl which is totally not even capturing the surge at all.. compared to last cycle which was 42.4nmol/dl, that is indeed a high surge of Progesterone.. So i should have took note on that! Now i'm having a thought on whether should I take the blood test on CD30 later on..
As mentioned, it took about 7 to 10 days after ovulation for the surge to be detected in blood test.. Urgh!! Another poking to be done!!!
So again, i decide to go ahead and buy the pregnancy test which was recommended by my fertility group member team in Australia, UK and US. Told me to get that First Response Pregnancy Test Kit.. And also bought some internet cheapies (10iu sensitivity) for the fun sake.. LOL!!
It was about $30+$4.90 shipping for 3 test for this First Response test kit that I got online.. With some discount I manage to get it for $28 nett.. Which is definitely a bargain! So i will try to have it test end of the month! I don't know what to expect.. I will try with the internet cheapies first.. And the sensitivity was pretty early.. So decide to test it and I was amazed.. I saw a 2nd extremely faint line on the test.. Well.. I assume that its faulty or evap line. So decide to ignore it.. LOL!!
So this cycle, pretty much we used Pre-Seed for all our deed session as to hopefully increase the life span of the lil spermies.. And also, I've started taking Vit B12 supplements today.. Manage to get it at a local pharmacy for $5.35 for 100 tabs. And started drinking concentrated milk for additional calcium! Somehow, I love drinking milk now!! So yummy!!
Oh well, currently at work.. And I've been pretty sleepy! So exhausted and just want to sleep! My skins are getting more dry and itchy! Urghh!! Thank God the smail mucus has arrived!! So today symptoms... Just cramps.. thirsty and not much of any discharges..
I suppose 3dpo wont show much symptoms.. as claimed, 6dpo-10dpo where the symptoms could appear if there is anything.. I will try my best to have it update and share with you ladies..
Well, that is for now.. Will definitely update more soon! And also, if there is no postive UPT, we will take a break next cycle from Clomid.. Just a 1 cycle gap break.. Insyallah! Mohon yang terbaik dariNya...
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