Friday, 30 March 2018

Clomid Cycle #2: CD31 No Menses Yet

Hey ladies!!
Blessed Saturday & happy long weekend!!

We had a public holiday yesterday and I was suppose to have my off day today but I swap shift with my pinoy partner, allowing her to celebrate her Good Friday with her family on the weekend.. And she will help me with my festive celebration on the coming June.

So yes, let's talk about what the hell is wrong with my cycle this round..
Amazingly I was suppose to have my menses on CD28 and clearly after 3 days, she is still not seen plus I do not have any AF like cramps which I usually have 1 week prior to the bleeding.. Suprisingly this cycle, I don't really have much symptoms! Not even for AF..

So today i had some diarrhoea x 1 episode after eating some Thosai with coconut chutney.. Definitely a bowel booster.. Hehe..
So today is CD31 and 11dpo.. On 9dpo I did a pregnancy test and it was BFN (Big Fat Negative).. I know it was super early but damn my hands are itching to test on those new First Response Pregnancy Kit I had it mail from New Zealand! Heard so much good stuffs on it..
So yesterday on CD30,10dpo, we did the deed after a week of hectic schedules, and I realised that my discharge were clumpy wet? And after the deed, went to the bathroom and wipe it off, saw some pink stains on the tissue paper.. I was like "OMG?? AM I HAVING MY PERIOD???!!"... But basically that was it! Today there isn't any discharges.. So far for my boobs, it was slightly sore and easily erected upon rubbing against my bra.. I know right? Like I'm stuck in a cold enviromnent.. And saw some slight bumps on the areola and blue veins are still seen but not protruding..
(Photo: My Pink Discharge)

I realised I had a huge meal and still not feeling full.. mcm jinn plak.. but definitely Mountain bear was wondering too! And on 29th March, I requested from lil sis and mom to buy for me this Indian Rojak from uncle samy's stall and also his Sup Kambing kaki.. OMG!! IT WAS THE BEST TASTE EVER!!! I was literally craving for it for almost 2 week and finally had it in my mouth, that satisfaction feeling.. Only God knows how much I craved for that taste..
And the Sup Kambing Kaki.. Fuhhh.... YUMM!!!
Ok enough for the food! Now let's get back.. if my memories doesn't fail me, usually 1 week before my AF made her entrance, I usually will have extreme cramps and bad sore boobs and headache.. But for this cycle.. Nope.. I have none that mimic that symptoms..
I have a strong feeling that I've ovulated on CD20 with the OPKs darker than my control line, should ovulate on CD21 or CD22. If i were to assume that I ovulate CD20 i'm 11dpo today, if CD21 I'm 10dpo, and CD22 i willl be 9dpo... LOL!!
Oh well, I hope that it's just because of the late ovulation, I will have my menses late 5 days.. If so, i should be having my period by 2nd- 4th April 2018.

Anyway, I hope that you guys are still hanging and keep that strong faith that God will answer our prayers to have this amazing blessing!!
Sticky beans to all!!

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