Hey Ladies!
It has been a tiring week for me..
I'm not sure if it's related to my work or basically for other reasons..
Been taking Vitex 1 tab every morning.. Along with Metformin 1 tab BD..
Today, just for fun, I did UPT test on CD13, which clearly, not even ovulated yet. But I was curious with the symptoms that I am having right now.. Something different..
Been feeling nausea for the past 3 days, which my Ovia app state it's normal to feel nausea on the Proliferative phase..
Also, I'm having sharp pain, right below of the sternum.. My guess, heartburn.. I have not taken anything heavy today.. Not sure why but I will keep on monitoring..
So currently at work, just finished most of my duties, I sat down to check on some stories on people who had experience taking in Vitex with successful stories.. One of the story in particular seems to be the same as mine.. You can read it here..
I might increase my Vitex to 2 tabs daily starting CD14 through out the cycle. For those who wondering how much is the cost of the vitex, I bought it in Johor CS Mall Pharmacy for RM62-68 (60 tabs). But please make sure that you are not taking any clomid or other fertility drugs. I've been free from clomid for 2 months now.. So hoping that Vitex would help me..
Also, I decide to lose somemore weight if possible.. And go for a jog on weekends if time permits it.. LOL!! (Excuses)
Been constantly sleepy.. thirsty and cramps on my left and right pelvic region. I will be doing a Ovulation test tomorrow morning CD14 to CD16.. I'm trying my best to try all that could possibly increased my fertility chances.
So yes, just a short update for today.. Have a great weekend ladies!! I will update soonest!
My last BD for this cycle was on CD5, CD8.. Been doing evening shift, was lucky that my CD14, CD15 will be on weekend and the rest of the fertility days, I will be working morning shift! Gives me alot of chance to seduce Mountain Bear.. LOL!!!!
Till Then! Blessed Day!
Keep reading if you find it interesting... Everyone you meet is fighting a battle you know nothing about.
Friday, 31 August 2018
Wednesday, 29 August 2018
CD11 (29/08/2018) #1 Vitex Cycle
It has been a good week so far.... And i've been into this song.. LOL! i know it's not related but I just wanna add some music to this page as you ladies are reading it.. Hehe.. So let's go!
Hey ladies!!
Hope that everyone is doing well with their cycle as well as we are reading this..
I just wanna update on my cycle status right now..
So it's CD11 and I've started taking Vitex 1 tabs every morning since CD5 and will continue taking it for the whole cycle until something great happens.. *finger crossed*
So far, I don't really have any side effects or effects yet from the vitex.
But I do realised that I'm starting to have discharges.. Whitish yellow with no foul smell.. So I assume that my uterus are in cleaning mode. I realised that I'm feeling much more tired and sleepy, appetite has somehow reduced.
I'm still taking in my Hot Red Date Longan Drinks daily to keep my body warm. Plus, it taste yummy! Although it's a lil more sweeter (Madam Kim's Tea), but thats the only drink I had apart from bottled water.
Once awhile, I did take in my favourite Ice Lemon Tea on a very hot day.. LOL!!
Ok for this entry, I wanna also add in my Period Cycle as well.. I want to see how frequent it has been for the past 1 year..
January 2017 - 08/01 to 13/01
February 2017 - No Period
March 2017 - No Period
April 2017 - No Period but spotting on 15th & 19th
May 2017 - 17/05 to 25/05
June 2017 - No Period
July 2017 - 15/07 to 20/07
August 2017 - No Period
September 2017 - 11/09 to 15/09
October 2017 - 17/10 to 21/10 (Did HSG this month + MMR injection)
November 2017 - No Period
December 2017 - 09/12 to 13/12
January 2018 - No Period
February 2018 - 03/02 to 07/02 (Clomid)
March 2018 - 01/03 to 05/03 (Clomid)
April 2018 - 05/04 to 08/04 (Clomid)
May 2018 - 05/05 to 09/05
June 2018 - 17/06 to 21/06(Clomid)
July 2018 - 16/07 to 20/07
August 2018 - 19/08 - 22/08
Oh my.... this is amazing! I didn't realized that I had a better period cycle this year! Almost every month! The app that I use is Ovia Fertility.. Basically they will try to help you in predicting on your fertile window period and your Period forecast.. So far, I used it to input our BD (baby dance) days.. Easier for me to track back when we had our days covered. So far, I am indeed happy to actually start this journey and make a point to track details for references.
What I notice, i kept feeling slight nausea while on a bus ride.. but it goes off after the ride ends.. Something different. maybe the Vitex has it's effect? I have no idea.. LOL!
My acne are clearing up! I do get occasional rash on my arms at times.. Hair do still fall.. But not as much.. I swear my hair are thining.. Not sure why but it definitely has to do with my PCOS.. I really hope Vitex could help me with my progesterone level.
I decide to stop my acupuncture for now as my schedule is hectic and i'm super tired. Alot of cases to handle (Nurse Life)
So now I am waiting to OVULATE.. hopefully by CD13 i will have a positve ovulation signs.
Definitely will update you ladies on CD15!
Take care!! Have a great week ahead!
Wednesday, 22 August 2018
CD35 (19/08/2018) CD1 (#1st Vitex Cycle)
Hey Ladies
Well... here we are again this cycle..
Totally its such a mix of frustration, anger and definitely sadness..
But hey! I was somehow happy that I manage to have my period for this cycle.. without any aids like clomid etcs.. Meaning that I manage to have my cycle normally! (I hope so!) Seems like every 28-35 days are my cycles.
So on CD35, I started getting those cramps that I knew it would meant the witch is sneaking up.. And I was really hoping that she won't turn up! Because the cramps was pretty mild and only lasted for a few hours.. So alil different from my other cycles for this one.. a short PMS like symptoms..
So now, we are trying something different, again..
I just purchase some Agnus Castus/Chasteberry supplements or widely known as Vitex in the internet fertility-seeking ladies.. 305mg per capsule.. It stated on the box that "THIS IS A TRADITIONAL MEDICINE" Kindly consult the doctor first if you are taking other drugs.
Well, I have no experience in this but I am willing to take the shot in trying something else before heading off, making a decision to go on with IUI or IVF (which I really am trying to avoid) but I'll put that as the last case resort to having a child.
So what else that I've read in the internet among all those ladies in the forums, support groups have shared that they are successful stories about it, some helped them to get their cycles back, some got pregnant and some had used it to support 1st trimester pregnancy.. Read that Vitex help to promote/maintain the progesterone level which is important in early pregnancy from miscarriages.. Which, I suggest that; you ladies to read it out to find out if its true.. LOL!!
Also, some said that it's good for PCOS.. click here to see the discussion.
I am willing to give this a shot as well, along with acupuncture still.
Also, I'm adding in this..
Its a combination of Folic Acid 800mcg, Vit C, Vit B2, Vit B6, Vit B12 & Iron.. I will be taking them alternate days.
Currently today I'm on CD4.. Will start taking them on CD5 which is tomorrow. Let's give this cycle another chance..
Till then ladies!
Will update soonest! Just gotten my laptop to work back! Regular posting up soon!
Well... here we are again this cycle..
Totally its such a mix of frustration, anger and definitely sadness..
But hey! I was somehow happy that I manage to have my period for this cycle.. without any aids like clomid etcs.. Meaning that I manage to have my cycle normally! (I hope so!) Seems like every 28-35 days are my cycles.
So on CD35, I started getting those cramps that I knew it would meant the witch is sneaking up.. And I was really hoping that she won't turn up! Because the cramps was pretty mild and only lasted for a few hours.. So alil different from my other cycles for this one.. a short PMS like symptoms..
So now, we are trying something different, again..
I just purchase some Agnus Castus/Chasteberry supplements or widely known as Vitex in the internet fertility-seeking ladies.. 305mg per capsule.. It stated on the box that "THIS IS A TRADITIONAL MEDICINE" Kindly consult the doctor first if you are taking other drugs.
Well, I have no experience in this but I am willing to take the shot in trying something else before heading off, making a decision to go on with IUI or IVF (which I really am trying to avoid) but I'll put that as the last case resort to having a child.
So what else that I've read in the internet among all those ladies in the forums, support groups have shared that they are successful stories about it, some helped them to get their cycles back, some got pregnant and some had used it to support 1st trimester pregnancy.. Read that Vitex help to promote/maintain the progesterone level which is important in early pregnancy from miscarriages.. Which, I suggest that; you ladies to read it out to find out if its true.. LOL!!
Also, some said that it's good for PCOS.. click here to see the discussion.
I am willing to give this a shot as well, along with acupuncture still.
Also, I'm adding in this..
Its a combination of Folic Acid 800mcg, Vit C, Vit B2, Vit B6, Vit B12 & Iron.. I will be taking them alternate days.
Currently today I'm on CD4.. Will start taking them on CD5 which is tomorrow. Let's give this cycle another chance..
Till then ladies!
Will update soonest! Just gotten my laptop to work back! Regular posting up soon!
Friday, 17 August 2018
CD33 (17/8/18) - No Period, No Cramps
Hi Ladies!!
Just a quick update on my status right now without any clomid.
So it seems that AF is not here nor did the cramps..
I was wondering if the clomid has anything to do with my cycles after I'm off it.
What I can say is that, I am feeling pretty fatigue, sleepy, hungry always & cold like symptoms on/off..
As for my cervical mucus has been whitish creamy, not much.. Just once a day when I wiped it off after feeling a glob exiting down there..
I started having sore boobs and a strange poking sensation right above my belly button.
Which lasted for about 5 minutes.
And also, i started feeling bloated and felt like my abdomen is tight.. As if I had a King's meal..(or maybe I did... heh)
Anyway, noted feeling cold especially on my arms are rarely on my legs..
Hard to concentrate at times.. LOL!! *Currently picturing eating fried maggi which was cooked by Mountain bear while typing this blog*
I recalled few months ago, I was 5 days late and end up having my menses.. it was on CD36 when I had my menses.. But I could recall that I will have the cramps and bad diarrhoea a week before that.. But for this cycle.. Nope.. Not a hint of such pre menstrual symptoms..
I still continue drinking my hot red date drinks...
Well, i about to head off from work now.. Will update soon!
Just a quick update on my status right now without any clomid.
So it seems that AF is not here nor did the cramps..
I was wondering if the clomid has anything to do with my cycles after I'm off it.
What I can say is that, I am feeling pretty fatigue, sleepy, hungry always & cold like symptoms on/off..
As for my cervical mucus has been whitish creamy, not much.. Just once a day when I wiped it off after feeling a glob exiting down there..
I started having sore boobs and a strange poking sensation right above my belly button.
Which lasted for about 5 minutes.
And also, i started feeling bloated and felt like my abdomen is tight.. As if I had a King's meal..(or maybe I did... heh)
Anyway, noted feeling cold especially on my arms are rarely on my legs..
Hard to concentrate at times.. LOL!! *Currently picturing eating fried maggi which was cooked by Mountain bear while typing this blog*
I recalled few months ago, I was 5 days late and end up having my menses.. it was on CD36 when I had my menses.. But I could recall that I will have the cramps and bad diarrhoea a week before that.. But for this cycle.. Nope.. Not a hint of such pre menstrual symptoms..
I still continue drinking my hot red date drinks...
Well, i about to head off from work now.. Will update soon!
Tuesday, 14 August 2018
Mid July - August 2018 - Alternative Treatment
Gooooooooddddddd Day My Ladies!!!!
How are you ladies doing so far?
Also! I had added a new features in this blog!
As you can look onto your right side, I have added a Live Chat Box where you ladies can drop any questions or recommendations to me or even to the other ladies who are passing by this website blog! **Only available in Web Version and not mobile supported -> scroll down to the end of the page and click web version**
Please, feel free to do so! It will be great to hear you ladies out there!
So let's begin! So after my previous cycle started on 16th July 2018, that was my last Clomid cycle and it was unsuccessful... Sighs.. I was hoping for a clomid baby but guess its not meant to be.. So this cycle, it will be my normal cycle with no additional hormone meds to add into it.. Only with my FOLIC ACID, VITAMIN B COMPLEX & METFORMIN 500MG..
So when I was back to work, I was chatting with my chinese workmate.. Although she is in her 40s with 4 kids.. She has never stop giving me informations that she learn way back when she was in the Gynae/Obs Clinic. So after trying the western method with clomid & western drugs, I went on to the Traditional Malay style of Sengkak & urut... Both with no success.. Or maybe it was not long enough to see the outcome.. LOL!!
So my friend mentioned to me..
Her: Dear.. Have you tried acupuncture?
Me: Hmm... last time when I had achilles tendinitis & sciatic nerve issue, i did go..
Her: But for fertility?
Me: Urrmmm.... Nooooo...
Her: Why not give it a shot? Also, I've always seen you taking in cold drinks, you know it's not really good for the womb to be cold? We chinese believe that if the womb is cold, it's hard for the egg to mount on it..
Me: Oooohhh!! I didn't know that! You know I LOVEEEEEE Ice Lemon Tea!!
Her: Which one do you want more? Baby or crave?
I stared at her and took some moment to have that question sink in...
Me: Hmmm.... Maybe I should change for this cycle.. What do you recommend me to do?
Her: Let's start by getting your womb back to warm up! Let try taking in Red Dates & Ginger Tea for start.. These 2 are well known to have the body temperature increase and make it warmer, next, stop drinking cold drink all the time.. If possible for this cycle, take in more hot or warm water. Then schedule for a acupuncture session in one of the government hospital.
Me: Hmm... Ok dear, I will give it a shot!
So here i am!! LOL!! Today it's the 14th August 2018 and I had my acupuncture session done back on my CD10. It was advice to have it done weekly and to have it performed before your ovulation date. So CD7 onwards to CD13. They even mentioned to give a shot for 3-6 months for this session.
So I was attended by Acupuncturist Dr Ellyn, she is such an amazing lady! So I explained to her my situation, which you ladies here know what's going on! And she started checking my pulse (Which i know my pulse are weak) which is TRUE, she say it was weak... which could have caused the circulations to the uterus to be interrupted or even low flow.. She checked my tongue, mentioned that it's not looking too good as well..
At first I was alil skeptic when she mentioned that, but I wanted to give it a shot and go along with it.. Eventually we get along during this first session! So she assist me up to the bed and the needle poking session starts!
So what happen was, I was told that I need to sign a consent form, to allow the treatment/procedure to be carried out and stressed on the importance that all needles are disposable and are used once per patient per session. Hygiene is very important! Like what my workmate told me that, if i were to head to these old old acupuncture center, some of them reuse the needles and cleanse them in alcohol solutions.. So ladies, please make sure that the center that you go for acupuncture only use disposable ones ya!
So lying down facing up, Dr Ellyn helped me with my socks and ensure that I was comfortable. So she explained to me the points that she will insert the needles in.
So she had 3 needles in both legs & 3 on my fingers.. specifically on my ring finger where she mentioned that, "On these bony parts of the finger, is known to be the fertility trigger point" so she had it applied deeper and saying that "I'm giving you a hint on the "aggresive" treatment to see if it's alright for you"
By all mean, I was up for it and it wasn't that bad. I was able to tolerate for the whole session. So she mentioned that this session, she will leave my tummy alone from any needles as she wants this first session to focus on getting back my pulse to more "smooth & stronger" flow..
Overall, i manage to sleep peacefully during the session and had a sense of relaxations, even with these needles sticking onto me like a baby elephant getting stunt by a dart with tranquilizer.. HAHAHAHAHA!!
I was waken by Dr Ellyn's voice and said that the session is over and try not to get these areas wet for the next 2-3 hours as to avoid "wetness" to enter in.. I obliged to her advice and left to make payment. So for my first session, I was charged $54.60/- and I was suprised. I thought it would have caused me $100 plus for the first session but definitely it's affordable.. So scheduled my next session in 2 weeks time as i'm doing evening shift the following week. Dr Ellyn was a young lady who definitely is dedicated to her job. The way she speak and portray herself during our session, makes me feel relax and I can really be sure that she can be trusted when carrying her duty. I recommend her!! (Whoever wants her details, please drop a note at the "Live Chat Box" and I will share it!)
So today, it's CD30.. I am feeling tired.. No cramps... No sore boobs... When I was around CD18, I had a bad sore throat and flu symptoms which caused me to take 1/2 MC from work. My department Dr was kind enough to prescribe medications for me to take.. It lasted almost 2 weeks... And since CD27, I have been increasing hungry!! Like...
Had a plate of Fried Noodles, A plate of rice with dishes, 4 slices of bread with jam in it, Nuggets and Cheese Balls... I was still hungry!!! Mountain bear was shocked and was giving me that "Are you sure you are still hungry?" And i couldn't lie about it.. I was feeling "I want to have some chocolate, some spicy, some sweet, some salty stuffs to munch!" and it dragged till CD30 which is today!
I was suppose to have my period this 16th August 2018 and I really hope it's away for a looooooonnnnggggg vacation! I do not wish to think about it but also, did a Pregnancy test today, it was negative.. *dammit i caved in*
Darnn... I know I shouldn't have tempted myself to indulged in this misery of peeing on a stick!! I was told that people get a positive after they missed their period..
I shall STOP myself from the urges to pee on one, for as long as I can tahan.. LOL!!
Also this cycle, I have TONS of acne/pimples growing on the sides of my face, my back and my scalp! Something different and i could say the ones on my back are like cystic acne!! But they will disappear in 1-2 days without doing anything... And my skin are constantly itching all the time! Urgh!! Depressing!! But also, subside after few hours but occurred again everytime I had a shower and after changing.. Had few days of dizziness and headaches.. Also had sinusitis which I never had.. But no fever! Amazing!
So let's wait till my next post for the update!
You ladies have a good rest and take care!
Lots of love!
This Nurse.
How are you ladies doing so far?
Also! I had added a new features in this blog!
As you can look onto your right side, I have added a Live Chat Box where you ladies can drop any questions or recommendations to me or even to the other ladies who are passing by this website blog! **Only available in Web Version and not mobile supported -> scroll down to the end of the page and click web version**
Please, feel free to do so! It will be great to hear you ladies out there!
So let's begin! So after my previous cycle started on 16th July 2018, that was my last Clomid cycle and it was unsuccessful... Sighs.. I was hoping for a clomid baby but guess its not meant to be.. So this cycle, it will be my normal cycle with no additional hormone meds to add into it.. Only with my FOLIC ACID, VITAMIN B COMPLEX & METFORMIN 500MG..
So when I was back to work, I was chatting with my chinese workmate.. Although she is in her 40s with 4 kids.. She has never stop giving me informations that she learn way back when she was in the Gynae/Obs Clinic. So after trying the western method with clomid & western drugs, I went on to the Traditional Malay style of Sengkak & urut... Both with no success.. Or maybe it was not long enough to see the outcome.. LOL!!
So my friend mentioned to me..
Her: Dear.. Have you tried acupuncture?
Me: Hmm... last time when I had achilles tendinitis & sciatic nerve issue, i did go..
Her: But for fertility?
Me: Urrmmm.... Nooooo...
Her: Why not give it a shot? Also, I've always seen you taking in cold drinks, you know it's not really good for the womb to be cold? We chinese believe that if the womb is cold, it's hard for the egg to mount on it..
Me: Oooohhh!! I didn't know that! You know I LOVEEEEEE Ice Lemon Tea!!
Her: Which one do you want more? Baby or crave?
I stared at her and took some moment to have that question sink in...
Me: Hmmm.... Maybe I should change for this cycle.. What do you recommend me to do?
Her: Let's start by getting your womb back to warm up! Let try taking in Red Dates & Ginger Tea for start.. These 2 are well known to have the body temperature increase and make it warmer, next, stop drinking cold drink all the time.. If possible for this cycle, take in more hot or warm water. Then schedule for a acupuncture session in one of the government hospital.
Me: Hmm... Ok dear, I will give it a shot!
So here i am!! LOL!! Today it's the 14th August 2018 and I had my acupuncture session done back on my CD10. It was advice to have it done weekly and to have it performed before your ovulation date. So CD7 onwards to CD13. They even mentioned to give a shot for 3-6 months for this session.
So I was attended by Acupuncturist Dr Ellyn, she is such an amazing lady! So I explained to her my situation, which you ladies here know what's going on! And she started checking my pulse (Which i know my pulse are weak) which is TRUE, she say it was weak... which could have caused the circulations to the uterus to be interrupted or even low flow.. She checked my tongue, mentioned that it's not looking too good as well..
At first I was alil skeptic when she mentioned that, but I wanted to give it a shot and go along with it.. Eventually we get along during this first session! So she assist me up to the bed and the needle poking session starts!
So what happen was, I was told that I need to sign a consent form, to allow the treatment/procedure to be carried out and stressed on the importance that all needles are disposable and are used once per patient per session. Hygiene is very important! Like what my workmate told me that, if i were to head to these old old acupuncture center, some of them reuse the needles and cleanse them in alcohol solutions.. So ladies, please make sure that the center that you go for acupuncture only use disposable ones ya!
So lying down facing up, Dr Ellyn helped me with my socks and ensure that I was comfortable. So she explained to me the points that she will insert the needles in.
So she had 3 needles in both legs & 3 on my fingers.. specifically on my ring finger where she mentioned that, "On these bony parts of the finger, is known to be the fertility trigger point" so she had it applied deeper and saying that "I'm giving you a hint on the "aggresive" treatment to see if it's alright for you"
By all mean, I was up for it and it wasn't that bad. I was able to tolerate for the whole session. So she mentioned that this session, she will leave my tummy alone from any needles as she wants this first session to focus on getting back my pulse to more "smooth & stronger" flow..
Overall, i manage to sleep peacefully during the session and had a sense of relaxations, even with these needles sticking onto me like a baby elephant getting stunt by a dart with tranquilizer.. HAHAHAHAHA!!
I was waken by Dr Ellyn's voice and said that the session is over and try not to get these areas wet for the next 2-3 hours as to avoid "wetness" to enter in.. I obliged to her advice and left to make payment. So for my first session, I was charged $54.60/- and I was suprised. I thought it would have caused me $100 plus for the first session but definitely it's affordable.. So scheduled my next session in 2 weeks time as i'm doing evening shift the following week. Dr Ellyn was a young lady who definitely is dedicated to her job. The way she speak and portray herself during our session, makes me feel relax and I can really be sure that she can be trusted when carrying her duty. I recommend her!! (Whoever wants her details, please drop a note at the "Live Chat Box" and I will share it!)
So today, it's CD30.. I am feeling tired.. No cramps... No sore boobs... When I was around CD18, I had a bad sore throat and flu symptoms which caused me to take 1/2 MC from work. My department Dr was kind enough to prescribe medications for me to take.. It lasted almost 2 weeks... And since CD27, I have been increasing hungry!! Like...
Had a plate of Fried Noodles, A plate of rice with dishes, 4 slices of bread with jam in it, Nuggets and Cheese Balls... I was still hungry!!! Mountain bear was shocked and was giving me that "Are you sure you are still hungry?" And i couldn't lie about it.. I was feeling "I want to have some chocolate, some spicy, some sweet, some salty stuffs to munch!" and it dragged till CD30 which is today!
I was suppose to have my period this 16th August 2018 and I really hope it's away for a looooooonnnnggggg vacation! I do not wish to think about it but also, did a Pregnancy test today, it was negative.. *dammit i caved in*
Darnn... I know I shouldn't have tempted myself to indulged in this misery of peeing on a stick!! I was told that people get a positive after they missed their period..
I shall STOP myself from the urges to pee on one, for as long as I can tahan.. LOL!!
Also this cycle, I have TONS of acne/pimples growing on the sides of my face, my back and my scalp! Something different and i could say the ones on my back are like cystic acne!! But they will disappear in 1-2 days without doing anything... And my skin are constantly itching all the time! Urgh!! Depressing!! But also, subside after few hours but occurred again everytime I had a shower and after changing.. Had few days of dizziness and headaches.. Also had sinusitis which I never had.. But no fever! Amazing!
So let's wait till my next post for the update!
You ladies have a good rest and take care!
Lots of love!
This Nurse.
Final Clomid Cycle #4 Updates
Heyyy Ladies!!
"Just an update, I had issue with my laptop that I was not able to update any details onto this blog on the spot.
So what are you about to read is basically a sum up that I had recorded on my Notebook and had it copy paste on a later day... So let's go!"
So today is my CD 3 and taking in my final clomid cycle!! So this round again, I will be taking it on CD 3 to CD 7.. Again, the symptoms that I had when taking it was hot flushes & insomnia.. Apart from that, nothing.. hehehe...
So we BD on CD 6, 7, 10, 14, 16, 17, 20, 24, 25, 27...
I know right??? LOL!!! That's alot of session we had.. It was more of wanting each other than planning it out.. Which is, definitely less stressful for Mountain Bear and myself.. And it makes us enjoy and feel very much loved! We totally had forgotten on the idea that we are currently on clomid and we need to have it done on the right timing...
So fast forward, I had no much symptoms to say but definitely my boobs are aching and I felt more giddy and with whitish discharges when approaching CD25.. I keep on symptom spotting and read up blogs of other ladies who are also in the same boat to know their symptoms in the two weeks wait period.. Everything was looking positive on their symptoms updates and I was hoping, well, this could be it!!
Also, my CD21 Progesterone was looking fantastic!! It was 33.2nmo/L.. Meaning I've ovulated! And also, i did my HBA1C, it was 6.6.. It was fantastic! LOL!! I was super happy with my results!! And I continued taking Metformin 500mg as instructed along with my Folic Acid & Vitamin B Complex.
Also, my CD21 Progesterone was looking fantastic!! It was 33.2nmo/L.. Meaning I've ovulated! And also, i did my HBA1C, it was 6.6.. It was fantastic! LOL!! I was super happy with my results!! And I continued taking Metformin 500mg as instructed along with my Folic Acid & Vitamin B Complex.
So on CD 26 onwards, I started having Diarrhoea... And cramps.. Like those menses cramps... I started feeling alil disappointed, knowing that its a normal symptoms for me to get before my menses period arrives.. But still, i keep hoping that it's not.. Hoping THIS is the cycle! Final clomid charm I suppose.. LOL!
So on CD 28, was preparing lunch before heading to work, I started feeling THE CRAMPS and I started hoping I don't feel any discharges down there.. I really wish it would be dry and end up having 2 lines on my test...
I honestly felt a large glob discharge... My heart sank.. I hope it was just another lotiony discharge that came out... But to my disappointment... Fresh blood.... Alot of them.....
I was................sighs......
I was numb inside..
Another unsuccessful cycle.....
So went into the shower and burst into tears.. I told Mountain Bear over text and I was really emotional...
And as always.. He will motivate me on it.. Even after almost 4 years in marriage life, he has always been sooo positive with me.. Thank you love...
Even in 2012 when I was first diagnosed with PCOS, he was the first I told during that time when we were dating..
Yes... I do keep sentimental messages since 2007.. LOL!! Oh well.... I decide to postpone my Fertility appointment and thinking of doing something different..
It's weird that, after trying and keep on trying.. With all the upset and frustration of seeing blood in the end of each cycle, yet, you don't feel like giving up! Its like "Hey, you have every month another chance to get this!"
Every month of really hoping it will be that special one...
Every month we wished we this is the cycle where we won't need to use the sanitary pads for the next 8 months... (HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!)
Let's keep it going ladies.. Let's hope for the best! Get our body in shape and well...
All for the lil bean in future..
Till then! Will update you ladies on the next procedure I will engaged in..
Love you all!! Stay Strong!!
I honestly felt a large glob discharge... My heart sank.. I hope it was just another lotiony discharge that came out... But to my disappointment... Fresh blood.... Alot of them.....
I was................sighs......
I was numb inside..
Another unsuccessful cycle.....
So went into the shower and burst into tears.. I told Mountain Bear over text and I was really emotional...
And as always.. He will motivate me on it.. Even after almost 4 years in marriage life, he has always been sooo positive with me.. Thank you love...
Even in 2012 when I was first diagnosed with PCOS, he was the first I told during that time when we were dating..
Yes... I do keep sentimental messages since 2007.. LOL!! Oh well.... I decide to postpone my Fertility appointment and thinking of doing something different..
It's weird that, after trying and keep on trying.. With all the upset and frustration of seeing blood in the end of each cycle, yet, you don't feel like giving up! Its like "Hey, you have every month another chance to get this!"
Every month of really hoping it will be that special one...
Every month we wished we this is the cycle where we won't need to use the sanitary pads for the next 8 months... (HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!)
Let's keep it going ladies.. Let's hope for the best! Get our body in shape and well...
All for the lil bean in future..
Till then! Will update you ladies on the next procedure I will engaged in..
Love you all!! Stay Strong!!
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