Friday, 17 August 2018

CD33 (17/8/18) - No Period, No Cramps

Hi Ladies!!
Just a quick update on my status right now without any clomid.

So it seems that AF is not here nor did the cramps..
I was wondering if the clomid has anything to do with my cycles after I'm off it.

What I can say is that, I am feeling pretty fatigue, sleepy, hungry always & cold like symptoms on/off..
As for my cervical mucus has been whitish creamy, not much.. Just once a day when I wiped it off after feeling a glob exiting down there..

I started having sore boobs and a strange poking sensation right above my belly button.
Which lasted for about 5 minutes.
And also, i started feeling bloated and felt like my abdomen is tight.. As if I had a King's meal..(or maybe I did... heh)

Anyway, noted feeling cold especially on my arms are rarely on my legs..

Hard to concentrate at times.. LOL!! *Currently picturing eating fried maggi which was cooked by Mountain bear while typing this blog*
I recalled few months ago, I was 5 days late and end up having my menses.. it was on CD36 when I had my menses.. But I could recall that I will have the cramps and bad diarrhoea a week before that.. But for this cycle.. Nope.. Not a hint of such pre menstrual symptoms..
I still continue drinking my hot red date drinks...

Well, i about to head off from work now.. Will update soon!

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