Hey Ladies
Well... here we are again this cycle..
Totally its such a mix of frustration, anger and definitely sadness..
But hey! I was somehow happy that I manage to have my period for this cycle.. without any aids like clomid etcs.. Meaning that I manage to have my cycle normally! (I hope so!) Seems like every 28-35 days are my cycles.
So on CD35, I started getting those cramps that I knew it would meant the witch is sneaking up.. And I was really hoping that she won't turn up! Because the cramps was pretty mild and only lasted for a few hours.. So alil different from my other cycles for this one.. a short PMS like symptoms..
So now, we are trying something different, again..
I just purchase some Agnus Castus/Chasteberry supplements or widely known as Vitex in the internet fertility-seeking ladies.. 305mg per capsule.. It stated on the box that "THIS IS A TRADITIONAL MEDICINE" Kindly consult the doctor first if you are taking other drugs.
Well, I have no experience in this but I am willing to take the shot in trying something else before heading off, making a decision to go on with IUI or IVF (which I really am trying to avoid) but I'll put that as the last case resort to having a child.
So what else that I've read in the internet among all those ladies in the forums, support groups have shared that they are successful stories about it, some helped them to get their cycles back, some got pregnant and some had used it to support 1st trimester pregnancy.. Read that Vitex help to promote/maintain the progesterone level which is important in early pregnancy from miscarriages.. Which, I suggest that; you ladies to read it out to find out if its true.. LOL!!
Also, some said that it's good for PCOS.. click here to see the discussion.
I am willing to give this a shot as well, along with acupuncture still.
Also, I'm adding in this..
Its a combination of Folic Acid 800mcg, Vit C, Vit B2, Vit B6, Vit B12 & Iron.. I will be taking them alternate days.
Currently today I'm on CD4.. Will start taking them on CD5 which is tomorrow. Let's give this cycle another chance..
Till then ladies!
Will update soonest! Just gotten my laptop to work back! Regular posting up soon!
Keep reading if you find it interesting... Everyone you meet is fighting a battle you know nothing about.
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