Greetings my beautiful ladies!
Thank God it's Friday today!!!
I am sooooo looking forward on having a really really long rest over the weekend!
I could not explain what I am going through fully but I will try my best to share with you!
9th May 2019, Thursday - Today morning during sahur, I was feeling tired as usual for the past few days post IUI. Notice that I still had some cramps but it was mild. Went back to bed after that and woke up 5 hours later for work. Everything seems alright, slight cramping on and off.. Sore boobs as well, but it was still bearable.. Feeling extra warm tonight in my body temperature.
But what was interesting was, in the evening when I was at work, I felt some discharges flowing out.. I was feeling alil anxious to see what will it be when I wipe it with the tissue paper.. I really hope it's not my period...
So when I wiped, I notice a thick whitish creamy discharge! Hmm.. I recalled I do get these sometime post ovulation and I told myself not to interpret anything from this findings.. (which I did google about it.. LOL!!) And that was the only time I had it! The rest of the hours were dry as sahara!
- Creamy whitish discharges x 1 episode
- Sore Breasts
- Fatigue
- Mild cramping
- Sneezing
- Feverish warm feelings
10th May 2019, Friday - So this morning when I woke up for sahur, I started having some nausea sensations. Like having that 'sour' taste at the back of my throat. I also notice that I was having a stronger cramping sensations lower abdomen, and some pinching sensation on my left and right pelvic from time to time.. I also felt cold today.. wore long sleeves with comforter yet I felt cold.. My extremities are cold while my trunk are hot/warm.. I really felt like I was down with some flu.. Had runny nose and feeling 'lousy' in some sense.. I couldn't think straight..
I did a HPT test and it was negative.. So it means now I can start tracking for it.. Also I notice that my ovulation test kits has been high to positive readings for the past 4 days.. i'm not sure if the Ovidrel is still in my system but since my HPT is negative, I would say that the same hormones for ovulations is out as well.. I'm not sure but I will check again..
- Negative HPT
- High/Positive Ovulation
- Nausea
- Strong cramping AF like
- Feeling heavy
- Sore Breast & Nipples
- Lower backaches
- Diarrhea + constipation (if that makes sense..)
- Slight Headache
- Fatigue
- Cramping on joints & thighs
Well, 6 dpo is still very very very veryyyy early to test for this pregnancy test, I shall avoid doing a next one.. Maybe on 10 dpo, I shall do 1 test.. LOL!!
Alright ladies!! Tomorrow is Saturday and I am not working!! Alhamdulilah!!
I shall update you guys next week!
Till then! Take care lovelies!
Keep reading if you find it interesting... Everyone you meet is fighting a battle you know nothing about.
Friday, 10 May 2019
Wednesday, 8 May 2019
4 DPO IUI Transfer
Greetings Lovely Ladies,
So today is my 4th day post IUI transfer and let see what are the symptoms that I've been having..
7th May 2019, Tuesday - So today, I still have some cramps and feeling fatigue.. Not much of any discharges seen. My workmate mentioned that I looked pale and dehydrated. Which I could agree that I am indeed feeling lack of H20 in my system.. I use to be able to retained my urine for more than 8 hours.. Well, being a nurse, it's one of our special skills.. But after the IUI procedure, I tend to run to the bathroom more often, also to add the progesterone supplement that I am currently taking, I could understand why. So for fun, I did a pregnancy test for the sake of seeing a HCG on it due to Ovidrel.. Although I know it's false positive, but it just felt super amazing to see a real 2 line.. Lol!! So today line looks faint, which is expectable as the trigger shot hormones exits your body as day goes by.. What I've learn was that the dosage will constantly decrease 50% for every 27 - 29.6 hours from our systems. So for my Ovidrel 250, it will be roughly 10 - 14 days. So it will be fun to do a urine test every 2 days to see if the line get fainter or darker..
Also, I felt warmer and feeling like I'm going to have a fever. Having some flu and aching joints.. But somehow it subside when I got back home at 11pm from work.
- Sleepy
- Right & Left Pelvic twinges
- Lower abdominal cramping
- Peeing back to normal
- Extremities are cold
- Feeling feverish & warmth
- Nipples & breast soreness
- Bloated & fatigue
8th May 2019, Wednesday - This morning, what a weather!! It was raining heavily with thunderstorms island wide! I love love LOVE rainy days!! Super relaxing for me!
I woke up at 8am with a bad diarrhea.. I was having the same sensation when I was weeks away before my period arrives.. But I really hope that this cycle, it was caused by the progesterone tablet that I took.. I also took an ovulation test kit today and last night when I got home.. I must say, they looked pretty positive.. To recall that I had the trigger shot 7 days ago, I wasn't sure if this is normal.. It looked legit.. LOL!! I also started feeling light headed & slight nausea.. Hormones!
- Diarrhea x 1 episode
- Bilateral Pelvic aches
- Lower abdominal mild cramping
-Light Headed
- Nipples & breast soreness still
- Fatigue & slight nausea
So I intend to do another HCG test tomorrow to see the results.. if the trigger shot is out from my system, I should get a negative HPT as it's too early for an implantation to take place. Hope for a sticky bean!
I will update once again!! Take care ladies!!
So today is my 4th day post IUI transfer and let see what are the symptoms that I've been having..
7th May 2019, Tuesday - So today, I still have some cramps and feeling fatigue.. Not much of any discharges seen. My workmate mentioned that I looked pale and dehydrated. Which I could agree that I am indeed feeling lack of H20 in my system.. I use to be able to retained my urine for more than 8 hours.. Well, being a nurse, it's one of our special skills.. But after the IUI procedure, I tend to run to the bathroom more often, also to add the progesterone supplement that I am currently taking, I could understand why. So for fun, I did a pregnancy test for the sake of seeing a HCG on it due to Ovidrel.. Although I know it's false positive, but it just felt super amazing to see a real 2 line.. Lol!! So today line looks faint, which is expectable as the trigger shot hormones exits your body as day goes by.. What I've learn was that the dosage will constantly decrease 50% for every 27 - 29.6 hours from our systems. So for my Ovidrel 250, it will be roughly 10 - 14 days. So it will be fun to do a urine test every 2 days to see if the line get fainter or darker..
Also, I felt warmer and feeling like I'm going to have a fever. Having some flu and aching joints.. But somehow it subside when I got back home at 11pm from work.
- Sleepy
- Right & Left Pelvic twinges
- Lower abdominal cramping
- Peeing back to normal
- Extremities are cold
- Feeling feverish & warmth
- Nipples & breast soreness
- Bloated & fatigue
I woke up at 8am with a bad diarrhea.. I was having the same sensation when I was weeks away before my period arrives.. But I really hope that this cycle, it was caused by the progesterone tablet that I took.. I also took an ovulation test kit today and last night when I got home.. I must say, they looked pretty positive.. To recall that I had the trigger shot 7 days ago, I wasn't sure if this is normal.. It looked legit.. LOL!! I also started feeling light headed & slight nausea.. Hormones!
- Diarrhea x 1 episode
- Bilateral Pelvic aches
- Lower abdominal mild cramping
-Light Headed
- Nipples & breast soreness still
- Fatigue & slight nausea
So I intend to do another HCG test tomorrow to see the results.. if the trigger shot is out from my system, I should get a negative HPT as it's too early for an implantation to take place. Hope for a sticky bean!
I will update once again!! Take care ladies!!
Monday, 6 May 2019
2 DPO IUI Transfer
Greetings Ladies!
So Today is my 2nd day post IUI procedure...
I must say, I am definitely having some post symptoms from the procedure..
And I would like to share it!
So let start from the IUI Transfer day!
4th May 2019, Saturday - So it has been few hours after the procedure.. I manage to get a quick nap..
- Lower abdominal camping
- Breast Soreness
- Lower back aching
- Feeling Bloated
- Slight difficulty in pushing urine
- Slight stains on pantyliner
I was told that the urinating will be a'lil affected as the Ovidrel Trigger shots with other hormones may cause the ovaries to swell up and causing bloating sensations when peeing. It was bearable. But I can't wait straight as the cramps caused it.. I don't have any discharges apart from the lubricant they used to insert the speculum. Had not taken any medications for the pain or cramps.. Had some warm tea to help ease the cramping..
5th May 2019, Sunday - So today, I was having a course to attending for the whole day. So far, not much symptoms.. Taken my 2 day dose of Progesterone, Folic Acids & B Complex.
- Lower abdominal cramping
- Nipple soreness (erected)
- Breast Soreness
- Bloated
- Constant urinating
- No more stains on pantyliner
- Sleepy & fatigue
The course doesn't have much movements, mostly sitting down and standing up for some games of such.. No heavy lifting or acts done.. So basically the symptoms were mild to 'I don't feel much'. I had the habit of not passing urine in public areas as I'm alil hygiene freak when it comes to toilet seats.. So got home, relieve myself and the flow was better compared to yesterday.. I was able to push the urine out with minimal discomfort. Continue drinking lots of water and had my meal with Mountain Bear.. Egg Sausage Tortilla Roll.. Plus tomorrow, we are fasting! So I wanted to get my cravings attended to. LOL!!
6th May 2019, Monday - It's 4.30am and I woke up to prepare the Sahur meal for both of us.. Made some rice with fried chicken, paru goring & sup tumis air. Also, taken my Progesterone dose for the morning along with the other supplements as usual. We decide to get back to bed at 6am as I am doing the evening shift today..
What happen was, I felt the strong urge to pee, I went to the toilet and tried to.. The output was a little but I knew I had more in it.. I tried to push the urge out, only to get a strong pulsating cramping discomfort sensation on my right pelvic region. I was scared that my kidney has shut down or I had a ureter blockage!..
I calm myself down, decide to squat down and try to pee.. Initially there isn't any strong flow.. But after a few adjustments in my squatting position, I manage to get a smooth minimal flow with less discomfort. I was worried because I am feeling so bloated that I constantly feeling the need to pee.. Once I step out and head back to bed, I started having sharp pains at my back, shoulder blades and lower back.. I couldn't lay on my back or even felt comfortable when turning to the side.. Mountain bear notice the weird moans I made and started rubbing my back.. It's amazing how your partner's touch could help relieve such feelings.. I manage to go back to sleep afterwards.
Woke up at 10.30am, had the urge to pee again, I was worried I won't have any output.. But alhamdulilah, able to pee smoothly with minimal discomfort & bowel motion as well.
So Mountain Bear is on Medical Leave today, he accompanied me down and off to work I go!
- Extreme backaches
- Right Pelvic twinges
- Lower abdominal cramping
- Slight difficulty in pushing urine
- Nipples & breast soreness
- Sleepy & fatigue
So yeah.. That's the entries for today... I will try to have it updated as frequently as possible if I encounter any other issues or symptoms..
May it be a blessed Ramadan this year!
So Today is my 2nd day post IUI procedure...
I must say, I am definitely having some post symptoms from the procedure..
And I would like to share it!
So let start from the IUI Transfer day!
4th May 2019, Saturday - So it has been few hours after the procedure.. I manage to get a quick nap..
- Lower abdominal camping
- Breast Soreness
- Lower back aching
- Feeling Bloated
- Slight difficulty in pushing urine
- Slight stains on pantyliner
I was told that the urinating will be a'lil affected as the Ovidrel Trigger shots with other hormones may cause the ovaries to swell up and causing bloating sensations when peeing. It was bearable. But I can't wait straight as the cramps caused it.. I don't have any discharges apart from the lubricant they used to insert the speculum. Had not taken any medications for the pain or cramps.. Had some warm tea to help ease the cramping..
5th May 2019, Sunday - So today, I was having a course to attending for the whole day. So far, not much symptoms.. Taken my 2 day dose of Progesterone, Folic Acids & B Complex.
- Lower abdominal cramping
- Nipple soreness (erected)
- Breast Soreness
- Bloated
- Constant urinating
- No more stains on pantyliner
- Sleepy & fatigue
The course doesn't have much movements, mostly sitting down and standing up for some games of such.. No heavy lifting or acts done.. So basically the symptoms were mild to 'I don't feel much'. I had the habit of not passing urine in public areas as I'm alil hygiene freak when it comes to toilet seats.. So got home, relieve myself and the flow was better compared to yesterday.. I was able to push the urine out with minimal discomfort. Continue drinking lots of water and had my meal with Mountain Bear.. Egg Sausage Tortilla Roll.. Plus tomorrow, we are fasting! So I wanted to get my cravings attended to. LOL!!
6th May 2019, Monday - It's 4.30am and I woke up to prepare the Sahur meal for both of us.. Made some rice with fried chicken, paru goring & sup tumis air. Also, taken my Progesterone dose for the morning along with the other supplements as usual. We decide to get back to bed at 6am as I am doing the evening shift today..
What happen was, I felt the strong urge to pee, I went to the toilet and tried to.. The output was a little but I knew I had more in it.. I tried to push the urge out, only to get a strong pulsating cramping discomfort sensation on my right pelvic region. I was scared that my kidney has shut down or I had a ureter blockage!..
I calm myself down, decide to squat down and try to pee.. Initially there isn't any strong flow.. But after a few adjustments in my squatting position, I manage to get a smooth minimal flow with less discomfort. I was worried because I am feeling so bloated that I constantly feeling the need to pee.. Once I step out and head back to bed, I started having sharp pains at my back, shoulder blades and lower back.. I couldn't lay on my back or even felt comfortable when turning to the side.. Mountain bear notice the weird moans I made and started rubbing my back.. It's amazing how your partner's touch could help relieve such feelings.. I manage to go back to sleep afterwards.
Woke up at 10.30am, had the urge to pee again, I was worried I won't have any output.. But alhamdulilah, able to pee smoothly with minimal discomfort & bowel motion as well.
So Mountain Bear is on Medical Leave today, he accompanied me down and off to work I go!
- Extreme backaches
- Right Pelvic twinges
- Lower abdominal cramping
- Slight difficulty in pushing urine
- Nipples & breast soreness
- Sleepy & fatigue
So yeah.. That's the entries for today... I will try to have it updated as frequently as possible if I encounter any other issues or symptoms..
May it be a blessed Ramadan this year!
To all my Muslims' friends,
Ramadan Mubarak!
Sunday, 5 May 2019
TODAY IS THE BIG DAY.............
Let's get to it!!
Alright, it's 6.50am and I was woken up by Mountain Bear to get ready for the trip.
I swear, I felt super tired after getting back from work last night.. So got up and head to the bathroom with my half opened eyes..
Also, we need to obtain the sample from Mountain Bear. And we planned to reach to the clinic before 8am.. And also, trying our best to get the sample as fresh as possible to the lab to have the sperm washing to be done..
So we had the deed done unnaturally, get that lil soldiers into the sample bottle by 7.25am and chop chop chop!!! We leave home and get into the car..
The traffic was great today.. Managed to reach the clinic by 8am...
So went into the IVF/IUI/ANDROLOGY/SPERM BANK department, press the bell and around 5 minutes later, was greeted by the Registered Nurse, whom I remembered clearly, the one who we met 3 months ago when we register for the IUI procedure.. She was super gently and friendly.
So she called Mountain Bear to a room for verification and other documents to be signed..
It took around 10 - 15 minutes before Mountain Bear step out from the room and she said,
"alright, so the sample will be sent for sperm washing and we need you, the wife to come back at 10am for the procedure"
We nodded, thanked her for the help and info and left the department for our breakfast..
Time checked, 8.25am.
So we sat at the cafeteria and had our Tea and Thosai... Wasn't cheap, bearable taste but we manage to get it down the pipe.. LOL!!
We sat down, facing each other, start taking about our favorite topic, and it drag on and on, laughing, debating and basically getting more knowledge from each other.. Makes me wanting to fall in love with this man whom I knew for the past 12 years... It was a beautiful morning..
Time checked, 9.35am.
So told Mountain Bear to proceed home back as we are expecting a delivery for our home and I wanted him to be there when they arrive. Told him I am good alone as I needed time for myself as well.. I wanted to compose myself and stay calm. So he left and i head back to the clinic, press button 2 and waited.
Before 5 minutes could arrive, I was called over to the counter. I greeted the nurse and hand over my documents and she checked, getting my case file..
"Alright Ms Nurse, here is the hospitalization leave for today, kindly check that your details are correctly keyed in?" - I nodded and keep the HL chit
"Alright so this is the appointment date for you to come back to this clinic to have your blood test and urine test done, it will be scheduled for the 22nd May 2019, 19 days from now. Kindly take note not to take any pregnancy test for the next 2 weeks or 14 days as the trigger shot contain the pregnancy hormone or known as HCG. We do not want you to get a false positive results. It will be safer to have the blood taken and the urine test done on the same day.." - I nodded and noted on the information.
"Also, in case the procedure was.... *she gulped and lower her tone* unsuccessful, we have scheduled you usual appointment with the initial Dr in June 2019, but if you are pregnant, we will be attending to you for the next 9 months with custom care. We noted that you need to take ASPIRIN during your pregnancy as it was written here all over your record." - I raised my brows and was wondering on the Aspirin part which I didn't get the chance to ask her why was it for.
"So your procedure will be held at 10am, we still have 15minutes to spare so you may proceed to the procedure room at the Sperm bank and the nurse will call you out once it's your turn, and hold on to your name label here, the doctor will asked it from you for verification purposes, so please do relax and wishing you all the best dear!" - I thanked her and smiled as I leave the counter..
So as I was walking to the Sperm Bank, my mind start processing the word "unsuccessful" and it got me all emotional.. I knew she was doing her job and by all means, she didn't have any intention for giving out negative vibes or whatsoever.. She have to tell that, it was part of the process.. It was me, who have to keep myself positive and continue praying to Allah that this cycle is not a wasted period..
I sat down, listening to the recitation above and constantly asking Allah to grant my dua' and wishes to have a pious daughter and son from this cycle.. And praying that he will blessed us finally with this precious gift. I shed some tears, feeling sad, scare, afraid and nervous..
I got myself together and start drinking my drinks as I need my bladder to be 3/4 full for the procedure..
Time checked, 10.01am
I waited and no one was around, so I got up and ring the bell, and someone came out and acknowledge my presence, and told me that the Dr and the nurse will come in shortly and start on my procedure.. I smiled and thank her and sat back to my seat..
10.08am, the registered nurse who attended to Mountain Bear earlier on approach me and escort me to the procedure room.
It was a big room with 2 procedure bed dividing the room space.
"Alright Ms, kindly have your panties and your pants kept in this plastic bag, and place your bag into this drawer and once all are done, carefully step up to the bed and sit at the edge yes?"
I nodded once again and thank her as she start drawing the curtains around, covering my procedure bed area. I did what she asked me to do, got up to the bed and sat down, continuously praying and chanting to Allah to forgive me and praying for a successful procedure.
About 5 minutes later, the Dr came in and greeted me.. And asked for the name label from me for verification with the registered nurse beside her, checking against the document in her hand.
"Hi dear, alright I will need you to lie down with your buttock nearing to the edge and both of your thigh on this holder."
So I lay down and position myself with the nurse help.
"Alright, so I've check your husband's sperm count.. Usually we are looking for a specific sperm count before we can proceed with the IUI procedure. The baseline is 1 million sperm count post washing.. So as for your husband's count, it's actually................."
I started swallowing hard before she reveal the numbers..
16 Millions
"Which is very good sperm count for IUI dear! But we all know, it takes only 1 sperm to fertilize the egg ya.."
Alhamdulilah, Allahuakbar!! - I whisper to myself, smiling as the Dr pat on my shoulder.
"Alright, let's get the husband's sperm in here.." says the Dr.
So the nurse slide open a small window at the side of the wall and it was actually the lab that deals with the lil soldiers.. And i saw a small test tube that contains the washed sperms, the stronger ones.. She then bring it to me and I looked at it, with my name pasted on the tube and I could see about 4 -6 drops of solution in it.. That's the sperms..
So they did triple checking..
One with the lab technician.... One with Me.... One with the doctor..
And finally the light is switch on and the speculum was inserted. It felt exactly like doing a pap smear.. But this time round, they had alil trouble finding my cervix as my bladder was full!!
So once she readjust for the second time, she managed to find my cervix and checked on me if i was alright. I told her I'm all ok.. as i continue praying and istighfar...
Then she took the catheter and draw in all the washed sperms from the test tube and gently inserting it into my cervix, (Bismillah upon I felt the catheter in my cervix door) and pushing the sperms up to my uterus.
After 5 seconds later, "all done dear!" - She said as she slowly screw off the speculum and removed it from my vagina.. telling me to relax and breathe in out slowly as she removes them..
"Alright dear, all done, now we will need you to lay down for about 10 minutes to allow the sperm the chance to reach to the mature eggs yes.. Relax, don't tensed up.. In the next few days, you will experience some blood stains, which is completely normal due to the speculum insertion and mild cramps will occurs over the next few days.. Due to the hormones and also, don't forget to take your Progesterone Pills, 2 times a day along with your Folic Acid.. Good luck and see you around!"
I thanked her and had my lower half covered, resting and trying to tensed up.. Reasons why? I started having lower back/ pelvic cramps. The nurse told me to rest and she will come back for me after 10 minutes.
So i was left alone, trying to composed myself and continue praying as I try to relax and rest..
Alot of things went through my mind, happiness, excited, anxiety, worried, scared, sad.. Basically it was a mixed hormone sensations playing around my body... I keep telling myself, insyallah all will be alright...
So 10 minutes up, nurse came in and assist me off the bed, telling me that I can pee and proceed home, reminding me to take my Progesterone for the next 19 days and wishing me all the best..
I thanked her for the patience and the humble care she has given and wished her a good day.
So got myself clean and wear my pants and went straight home.. Once I reached home, Mountain Bear greeted me and I went straight to bed with my pelvic elevated.. Giving the sperms some support to reach the eggs.. lay down till I fall asleep for almost 30 minutes..
So yeah! The next post, I will share on the POST IUI CARE & SYMPTOMS!
Take care ladies!!
Hi Ladies!!
Oh my goodness!!
2nd May 2019 - So today, I went back to the clinic to have my scan done again...
Also, I was told to get another injections done by the nurses at the department.
So my last dose of Ganirelix 0.5mls was given.. And yes, my belly is like a war zone.. The bruises are getting darker which startled them.. But my clinic Dr said that its superficial bruises, apply some Hirudoid cream & it will help!
So once that painful even is over, I sat down and waited for my scan..
About 20minutes later it was my turn!! And here are the results for today's scan!
CD20 Scans
So I was still taking in Folic Acids & Vit B Complex daily..
So far, the only symptoms that I was having during these days with the injectables are soreness on my breasts, I felt bloated and soreness at my pelvic regions.. I was told that the drugs will cause such symptoms and they are pretty common.
3rd May 2019 - MY OVULATION IS POSITIVE!!! Non-blinking anymore! I would assume that the Ovidrel shot might have caused it..
Oh my goodness!!
2nd May 2019 - So today, I went back to the clinic to have my scan done again...
Also, I was told to get another injections done by the nurses at the department.
So my last dose of Ganirelix 0.5mls was given.. And yes, my belly is like a war zone.. The bruises are getting darker which startled them.. But my clinic Dr said that its superficial bruises, apply some Hirudoid cream & it will help!
So once that painful even is over, I sat down and waited for my scan..
About 20minutes later it was my turn!! And here are the results for today's scan!
CD20 Scans
Rt Ovary - 1 x 17mm, 1 x 13mm, 1 x 9.0mm, 1 x 7mm & small follicles
Lt Ovary - 1 x 14.5mm, 1 x 10.5mm & small follicles
Womb Lining - 8.8mm
MASYALLAHH!!!!!!!! IT GREW 2.5MM today!!!!!
I am super excited on it!!!! So went outside again and wait for the consultation with the Dr.
About 15 minutes later, my number was displayed!
So went in & was greeted by her along with the other staffs!
"So today scans shows that your egg is ready for the IUI procedure and we will have it arranged on Saturday! You have one mature egg that will continue to grow today and few more reaching to maturity. And tonight, I will need to you inject 100U Puregon as your balance is 200U now after you leave this room, and also the trigger shot that has to be done tonight which will be explained by the nurse later at the counter. So what I want you to do now, is to collect these list of medication from the pharmacy and come back over where the nurse will guide you through on the next process. I will be seeing you on this Saturday, yes?"
As she smiled, I was smiling and was super excited for it!! So step out and off I went to the pharmacy to have the medications collected!
Progesterone Tablets for 19 Days + Antibiotics x 1 Dose (1gm)
The Trigger Shot aka 'barang baik'
And all of these was absorb using Mountain Bear's Medisave so I don't have to do any payments. So I head off to the clinic again and press Queue no 4 and was attended by the staff less than 5 minutes..
So this is what she explained to me after the 5 rights and 2 ID checked.
"Congratulations! You are finally ready for the IUI procedure! So let me go through with you on these details.. So tonight at around 8pm to 9pm you will need to jab yourself the trigger shot. Please take note you are not allow to do earlier to later than the mentioned timing as this will affect the IUI procedure and your egg will be affected and the whole procedure will need to be cancelled. Once you have administered you need to sign on this form to indicated the timing you administered it. Next you need to take this Arithromycin 250mg x 4 tabs tonight after meal. This will help to prevent any infection going on in your system prior to the IUI Procedure.. *I nodded* alright next is the Progesterone Tablets, you need to take this after your IUI procedure is done. Twice a day after meal. This will help to support your pregnancy until the day for the blood & urine test."
Then she placed all the explained items away and bring in another form,
"This bottle is for your husband collection of his sperm, please take note that he need to produce this at 7.30am and have the sample submitted to us by 8 to 8.30am Your IUI will be done at 10am so it crucial to have the sample submit to us as fresh as possible for the sperm washing. He need to come to the department and submit the sample HIMSELF and he needs to sign the documents for the procedure to take place."
Again I nodded.
"That's all, here is a leaflet for you to refer to on the trigger shot process.. Take care & all the best"
Thank you & have a nice day - I told her smiling away...
This is super exciting!!! So off I head to work!
When I got home and settled down..
At 7pm, had my dinner with Mountain Bear & ate the antibiotics..
I signed the form.
At 8.30pm, I sat down with the Trigger shot with the needle pointed at my war zone belly area, doubting every "GO" I say to inject it...
This went on till 8.45pm when I finally find the courage to inject that 0.5mls of hormones into me.. It wasn't that bad! LOL!!
The trios that was injected to me on 2nd May 2019... Finally it's over for now!!So I was still taking in Folic Acids & Vit B Complex daily..
So far, the only symptoms that I was having during these days with the injectables are soreness on my breasts, I felt bloated and soreness at my pelvic regions.. I was told that the drugs will cause such symptoms and they are pretty common.
3rd May 2019 - MY OVULATION IS POSITIVE!!! Non-blinking anymore! I would assume that the Ovidrel shot might have caused it..
Masyallah!!! I was getting excited to see this actually happening!!!
Alright ladies, tomorrow is the procedure and I will update you ladies on the procedure and post IUI transfer symptoms..
Take care!
Wednesday, 1 May 2019
Hi Ladies!!
My extreme apologies on the sudden absence since 5 months ago..
I have been very very very busy with my working schedules and life..
LOL!! And yes, I am still on follow up for my fertility journey!
So where should I start??
Maybe I should just go into it!
I am EXTREMELY excited for this!!
So let's get a quick recap on what was done..
So in February 2019, me & mountain bear decided that we will proceed with SO-IUI first and the whole process will be paid by Medisave along with the Government Assist Scheme for married couples on Fertility treatments.
So I only have to pay for the registration fee of $132.70 +/-.
That's all!
12th April 2019 - I started to have my menses flow.. More of a brownish stains but started full blown after 12 noon. And I was told to call the department to have my injection and scans scheduled the next day.
13th April 2019 - Drop by to the department, Mountain Bear went to collect the medication at the pharmacy while I was at the teaching/counselling room with a staff nurse. She taught me the method on how to use the PUREGON PEN injection which I will need to administer the medications on my own, daily. So they started me on a 50U for the next 4 days and it will start tomorrow.
14th April 2019 - The injection day is today! Oh my goodness... I was super nervous.. I have no idea what kind of pain to expect with this.. So I sat down on the bed with Mountain Bear looking at me as he squat in front of my and squeezing my thighs to provide some diversion of not focusing on the injection pain.. LOL!!
Bismillah.... 1....2....**POKE**.... Ouchh!!! Ok ok!! I'm in!! Next thing is to press in the knob to allow the medication to be administered... Feeling of cold sensation enters and surrounds my belly area... I could not imagine.. For those people who are skinny like Ikan Bilis, I wonder how are they going to poke it?
I was blessed with extreme thick fats around my belly... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA!!!
It was not that bad.. 50U was bearable.. So had it done daily till the scan day..
18th April 2019 - Ultrasound today at 9.30am, so far the past 4 days, there aren't any pain or any discomfort.. I felt alright.. the usuals.. So today scan here are the findings:
CD6 Scans
Rt Ovary - 1 x 7.5mm, 1 x 6.0mm, 2 x 5mm & small follicles
Lt Ovary - 1 x 5mm and small follicles
Womb Lining - 6.0mm
So they increase my dose to 75U.... ouch!
22nd April 2019 - CD10 today and it's my next scan! So the results are...
CD10 Scans
Rt Ovary - 1 x 10mm, 1 x 10.5mm, 1 x 7.5mm, 1 x 6mm & small follicles
Lt Ovary - 1 x 7.0mm & small follicles
Womb Lining - 7.0mm
Oh my goodness they are growing!! Although it was still small technically, but I am just happy that they are responding to the PUREGON.. So I was told to continue the same dose of 75U till the next scan in 2 days time!
24th April 2019 - Let's get into it.. I started seeing bruises on my tummy due to the injections and I was feeling "tight" around the waist area.. Bloated? I guess so! But these were the common side effects. I was feeling nausea and starting feeling cramping.. So today's scan goes like this..
CD12 Scans
Rt Ovary - 1 x 10mm, 1 x 10.5mm, 1 x 7.5mm, 1 x 6.5mm & small follicles
Lt Ovary - 1 x 7.5mm & small follicles
Womb Lining - 7.4mm
So sat down with Dr. Veronique and she told me that there isn't any progression on my scan.. My heart literally felt like it sank down into my belly.. I was starting to feel upset.. So she mentioned that she will increased the dose to 100U for the next 2 days before I'm coming over for the scans on CD14.. I nodded and I told Mountain Bear the news.. He told me, "there is still a lot of time more... Have faith"
26th April 2019 - Well, here we are.. I couldn't really sleep well last night. I was honestly feeling scare, sad, angry all at once.. I was upset, thinking it was a waste of time and pain going through it if there is not progression.. I really prayed hard to Allah please let this cycle be the one.. And Friday is a blessed day for Muslims.. I was really lowering my expectation on this and didn't want to get excited. So we proceed with the scans...
CD14 Scans
Rt Ovary - 1 x 11.5, 1 x 11mm, 1 x 8.0mm, 1 x 7mm & small follicles
Lt Ovary - 1 x 12mm, 1 x 9mm & small follicles
Womb Lining - 7.6mm
My heart suddenly felt different.. I told myself, there is hope.. I was curious what the Dr will tell me about it.. And there wasn't any queue yet they called my queue number only after 20minutes.. Saw my number display, "Bismillah" and I enter the room. Was greeted by a male Dr and he explained to me..
"So your follicles are doing great, they are growing still and we are in CD14 which means ovulation day will occur soon, we will arrange the IUI procedure on either Saturday (tomorrow) or on Monday. We will need you to do an ovulation test kit and to see, if it's positive tomorrow, we need you to come to the department at 7.30am with the sample. But if it's not positive yet, continue checking on Sunday and we will do it on Monday. We need Mr Husband as well"
A lil step ahead but it felt good!
So collected the specimen bottles and ovulation kit x 5 pcs, I head to work..
So when I was at work, around 4.55pm I decide to check my urine ovulation test.
Meaning, my ovulation is few days away!!!
My extreme apologies on the sudden absence since 5 months ago..
I have been very very very busy with my working schedules and life..
LOL!! And yes, I am still on follow up for my fertility journey!
So where should I start??
Maybe I should just go into it!
I am EXTREMELY excited for this!!
So let's get a quick recap on what was done..
So in February 2019, me & mountain bear decided that we will proceed with SO-IUI first and the whole process will be paid by Medisave along with the Government Assist Scheme for married couples on Fertility treatments.
So I only have to pay for the registration fee of $132.70 +/-.
That's all!
12th April 2019 - I started to have my menses flow.. More of a brownish stains but started full blown after 12 noon. And I was told to call the department to have my injection and scans scheduled the next day.
13th April 2019 - Drop by to the department, Mountain Bear went to collect the medication at the pharmacy while I was at the teaching/counselling room with a staff nurse. She taught me the method on how to use the PUREGON PEN injection which I will need to administer the medications on my own, daily. So they started me on a 50U for the next 4 days and it will start tomorrow.
14th April 2019 - The injection day is today! Oh my goodness... I was super nervous.. I have no idea what kind of pain to expect with this.. So I sat down on the bed with Mountain Bear looking at me as he squat in front of my and squeezing my thighs to provide some diversion of not focusing on the injection pain.. LOL!!
Bismillah.... 1....2....**POKE**.... Ouchh!!! Ok ok!! I'm in!! Next thing is to press in the knob to allow the medication to be administered... Feeling of cold sensation enters and surrounds my belly area... I could not imagine.. For those people who are skinny like Ikan Bilis, I wonder how are they going to poke it?
I was blessed with extreme thick fats around my belly... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA!!!
It was not that bad.. 50U was bearable.. So had it done daily till the scan day..
18th April 2019 - Ultrasound today at 9.30am, so far the past 4 days, there aren't any pain or any discomfort.. I felt alright.. the usuals.. So today scan here are the findings:
CD6 Scans
Rt Ovary - 1 x 7.5mm, 1 x 6.0mm, 2 x 5mm & small follicles
Lt Ovary - 1 x 5mm and small follicles
Womb Lining - 6.0mm
So they increase my dose to 75U.... ouch!
22nd April 2019 - CD10 today and it's my next scan! So the results are...
CD10 Scans
Rt Ovary - 1 x 10mm, 1 x 10.5mm, 1 x 7.5mm, 1 x 6mm & small follicles
Lt Ovary - 1 x 7.0mm & small follicles
Womb Lining - 7.0mm
Oh my goodness they are growing!! Although it was still small technically, but I am just happy that they are responding to the PUREGON.. So I was told to continue the same dose of 75U till the next scan in 2 days time!
24th April 2019 - Let's get into it.. I started seeing bruises on my tummy due to the injections and I was feeling "tight" around the waist area.. Bloated? I guess so! But these were the common side effects. I was feeling nausea and starting feeling cramping.. So today's scan goes like this..
CD12 Scans
Rt Ovary - 1 x 10mm, 1 x 10.5mm, 1 x 7.5mm, 1 x 6.5mm & small follicles
Lt Ovary - 1 x 7.5mm & small follicles
Womb Lining - 7.4mm
So sat down with Dr. Veronique and she told me that there isn't any progression on my scan.. My heart literally felt like it sank down into my belly.. I was starting to feel upset.. So she mentioned that she will increased the dose to 100U for the next 2 days before I'm coming over for the scans on CD14.. I nodded and I told Mountain Bear the news.. He told me, "there is still a lot of time more... Have faith"
Ovulation negative :(
CD14 Scans
Rt Ovary - 1 x 11.5, 1 x 11mm, 1 x 8.0mm, 1 x 7mm & small follicles
Lt Ovary - 1 x 12mm, 1 x 9mm & small follicles
Womb Lining - 7.6mm
My heart suddenly felt different.. I told myself, there is hope.. I was curious what the Dr will tell me about it.. And there wasn't any queue yet they called my queue number only after 20minutes.. Saw my number display, "Bismillah" and I enter the room. Was greeted by a male Dr and he explained to me..
"So your follicles are doing great, they are growing still and we are in CD14 which means ovulation day will occur soon, we will arrange the IUI procedure on either Saturday (tomorrow) or on Monday. We will need you to do an ovulation test kit and to see, if it's positive tomorrow, we need you to come to the department at 7.30am with the sample. But if it's not positive yet, continue checking on Sunday and we will do it on Monday. We need Mr Husband as well"
A lil step ahead but it felt good!
So collected the specimen bottles and ovulation kit x 5 pcs, I head to work..
So when I was at work, around 4.55pm I decide to check my urine ovulation test.
Meaning, my ovulation is few days away!!!
29th April 2019 - So today went for my scan and consultation, sadly my ovulation isn't positive yet so they wanted to delay my ovulation from occurring. So Dr request to have my scan & blood test done.. Here are the scan results
CD17 Scans
Rt Ovary - 1 x 12.5mm, 1 x 12mm, 1 x 8.0mm, 1 x 7mm & small follicles
Lt Ovary - 1 x 12mm, 1 x 9mm & small follicles
Womb Lining - 8.3mm
So my doctor mentioned that I didn't missed my Ovulation and she decide to have it delayed till my eggs are growing good.. And she gave me additional injections to be done for the next day few days. Sighs.... Still my ovulation is still not at it's peak yet.. (somehow it's a good thing)
I was given Ganirelix 0.25mg 0.5ml x 1 shot for 4 days.. Addition to continue with my 100U Puregon Injections.
One thick needle x 4 shots - Administered via subcutaneous [Belly Area]
And yes, after I received the medication from the pharmacy, I brought the medication to the clinic and the nurse had it administered to my belly.... Oh gosh.... It felt unpleasant... I tried to keep a straight face when it was administer to me... Ya Allah.... I really hope that this cycle isn't a waste after what I've gone through.
I was feeling doubtful on my eggs now.. I mean, I don't know if maybe the reason we are unable to conceive all these while is because that my egg was not mature enough when it ovulated.. So I decide to continue with what was plan by the Dr and just hope that tomorrow scan will be better. My belly are like the work of an artist.. Bruises and different tones..
My belly bruises (pixel out other areas)
100U Puregon Injections
30th April 2019 - So today again, I was called in for a scan in the morning and I don't want to feel excited or anything.. So gotten my queue number to get my 2nd shot of Ganirelix 0.25mg with the nurses.. Again, I need to keep my straight face when getting it.. Sigh...It hurts.... It really hurts.. So sat down and wait for my queue to get my scan... Around 30 minutes later, it was my turn.. So I lay down and the staffs are very friendly and warmth towards me.. I felt better seeing them.. And here is the results...
CD18 Scans
Rt Ovary - 1 x 14.5mm, 1 x 12mm, 1 x 9.0mm, 1 x 7mm & small follicles
Lt Ovary - 1 x 13.5mm, 1 x 10.5mm & small follicles
Womb Lining - 8.6mm
Subhanallah!!! In just 1 day!! My egg grew 2mm in size!!!! I'm just sooo happy to hear that!!
So went in to see the doctor, she mentioned that my eggs are about ready to be released in a few days! So they are planning to have the procedure done this coming weekend! I will need to bring Mountain Bear for this!!!
But I will be having another scan tomorrow, 2nd May 2019 (Thursday) in the morning! I will definitely update this!!!!
Till then ladies!!!
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