Greetings my beautiful ladies!
Thank God it's Friday today!!!
I am sooooo looking forward on having a really really long rest over the weekend!
I could not explain what I am going through fully but I will try my best to share with you!
9th May 2019, Thursday - Today morning during sahur, I was feeling tired as usual for the past few days post IUI. Notice that I still had some cramps but it was mild. Went back to bed after that and woke up 5 hours later for work. Everything seems alright, slight cramping on and off.. Sore boobs as well, but it was still bearable.. Feeling extra warm tonight in my body temperature.
But what was interesting was, in the evening when I was at work, I felt some discharges flowing out.. I was feeling alil anxious to see what will it be when I wipe it with the tissue paper.. I really hope it's not my period...
So when I wiped, I notice a thick whitish creamy discharge! Hmm.. I recalled I do get these sometime post ovulation and I told myself not to interpret anything from this findings.. (which I did google about it.. LOL!!) And that was the only time I had it! The rest of the hours were dry as sahara!
- Creamy whitish discharges x 1 episode
- Sore Breasts
- Fatigue
- Mild cramping
- Sneezing
- Feverish warm feelings
10th May 2019, Friday - So this morning when I woke up for sahur, I started having some nausea sensations. Like having that 'sour' taste at the back of my throat. I also notice that I was having a stronger cramping sensations lower abdomen, and some pinching sensation on my left and right pelvic from time to time.. I also felt cold today.. wore long sleeves with comforter yet I felt cold.. My extremities are cold while my trunk are hot/warm.. I really felt like I was down with some flu.. Had runny nose and feeling 'lousy' in some sense.. I couldn't think straight..
I did a HPT test and it was negative.. So it means now I can start tracking for it.. Also I notice that my ovulation test kits has been high to positive readings for the past 4 days.. i'm not sure if the Ovidrel is still in my system but since my HPT is negative, I would say that the same hormones for ovulations is out as well.. I'm not sure but I will check again..
- Negative HPT
- High/Positive Ovulation
- Nausea
- Strong cramping AF like
- Feeling heavy
- Sore Breast & Nipples
- Lower backaches
- Diarrhea + constipation (if that makes sense..)
- Slight Headache
- Fatigue
- Cramping on joints & thighs
Well, 6 dpo is still very very very veryyyy early to test for this pregnancy test, I shall avoid doing a next one.. Maybe on 10 dpo, I shall do 1 test.. LOL!!
Alright ladies!! Tomorrow is Saturday and I am not working!! Alhamdulilah!!
I shall update you guys next week!
Till then! Take care lovelies!
Keep reading if you find it interesting... Everyone you meet is fighting a battle you know nothing about.
Friday, 10 May 2019
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