Monday, 19 February 2018

..Two Weeks Wait.. 8DPO/CD17..


So as of today, I am on cycle day 17 (CD17) and also, 8 Days Post Ovulation (8DPO)...

So let's discuss some sign and symptoms that I've encounter these past few days.. I will try my best to have the days included..

CD10-11: Having a constant cramps and aching at my lower pelvic region. mostly on my left side.. it felt like I'm about to have my menses. Also I've notice that my body temperature increase slightly and feeling warmer than usual. Not much discharges. Realized that I'm pretty semi-dry down there. Confirmed by ovulation prediction kit: a strong second line seen. Established Ovulation Day today..
CD12-13: Slight cramps.. Still feeling warmer at times.. Also some dizziness/headache. My mood are pretty much "Aggressive"kinda emotions.. I get irritated easily , frustrated at every small little things.. Like I wanna slap the devil for no reason if i could. And yes, still feeling dry down there..
CD14-CD16: I swear my nipples are feeling super sore! Like the slightest touch of it caused pain. Not much on the boob sore.. Just my nipples are sensitive to touch. Especially when I've accidentally rubbed it against my shirt, bolster when I was hugging at night, or lying face down on the bed when I was sleeping,  I could feel the discomfort on my boobs that I need to change position. *as i'm typing out this, I can feel the aching and pulsating sensation on my nipples.* I was wet down there for CD14 and we did the deeds to cover some based. Also i notice that every day that I woke up, I have that metallic-irony-bloody taste in my mouth..
CD17 (19/2/18): So I've went down to the hospital to have my routine ultrasound pelvis for my PCOS symptoms and also taking the opportunity to know the lining of my uterus after the few weeks of taking in L-Arginine. Which I will discuss later in the post as we progress down.. Also, I've notice that I have some pinching sensations and cramps still.. I did a HCG urine test (8DPO) and will share below. I still have the metallic taste early this morning after I did the ultrasound and was waiting for the doctor's consultations. I felt super sleepy and tired.. I had some dizziness too.. I also realized that I'm having that UTI kinda sensation down there. Like the urge to pee at times and also slight burning feeling that goes off after few pee sessions.. Neck aches too down on my right side.. And my NIPPLES ARE SUPER SORE AND SENSITIVE STILL LAAAA!!!!! I accidentally hit my right boob slightly on the door while opening it, it hurts guyss... It freaking hurts! I'm still slightly moody.. Appetite, not so much yet.. Will update soon!!
So today I was scheduled to have my pelvis ultrasound done after the last one that I've done in 2016. So as usual, registration takes about 15 minutes before my turn and I'm able to have the scans paid by Medisave for $55. So proceed to the waiting area and sitting in front of Room 15.. less than 5 minutes, i was called in! That's fast! So first they did the abdominal scan first before they proceed with the Trans-vaginal scans.. So once its all done, I had a quick breakfast while waiting for the consultation appointment in about 1 1/2 hrs time.
So its 11.30am and I was called in for the consultation. Was seen by Dr Poo,  a very nice lady! And she asked all about the details that I've shared in this blog on my fertility progressions and clomid.
So then she showed me my ultrasound results... My uterus lining is 7mm!!!! I was aiming it to be more than 6mm, but 7mm is good enough and still progressing to getting thicker.. Why am i so concern on this? Because I was told that to have the conception to take place, you need a slightly thicker womb lining as the base for the embryo. And I am pleased with the results! I must say, no harm taking in the L-Arginine along the way.. But my left ovary and my uterus are unremarkable. Which is fine. LOL!! Masyallah!! I felt better with the results. Also, there is no new polycystic seen. So today's consultation is $30.90! 
So my next appointment will be on CD21 for a progesterone serum test. in a few days time..

Below is my pregnancy test after half a day in the toilet.. more than 8 hours.. LOL!!! Still early to test.. But yes, I will keep testing.. Hahaha!!
So that's it for this post ladies.. I will update soon on the Progesterone Serum test day alright!!
Good night!!

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