Hey ladies!
So as of today, I will list down my cycle symptoms so that for my record as well as IF i were to conceived this Cycle, it's a memorable one.. LOL!! **MUST RELAX DON'T STRESS UP TOO MUCH!!**
CD1: Menses starts. Taken medroxyprogesterone x 1 tab which was taken 3 days ago and had the menses then.
CD2-CD6: Took my clomid at night to avoid the side effects. But sadly, i was having bad hot flushes and sweating in an aircon room. Slight nightmare one of the night?
CD7: My menses ends today. Still feeling hot flushes and slight dizziness..
CD8: BD at night with slight cramps felt lower abdomen section. mostly on my right pelvic region. Started taking in L-Arginine and continue with my Folic Acid.
CD10: Felt different because the cramps and aching starts to get full blown. Felt that my body temp increase but no other feverish symptoms.. Just warmer than usual. We BD tonight.
CD11 (1DPO): Did OPKS and saw the darkest 2nd line ever in my life! It was almost as dark as the control lines. (So should i decide to put today as 1dpo or tomorrow? I dunno.. Just put today je la..)
CD12: BD again tonight.. Still feeling warmer today and aching with pinches felt at lower abdomen. OPK was still dark today! But yesterday was darker ever!
CD13: Still feeling warmer, and dry down there.. Feeling frustrated and somehow easily irritated to every small things.. OPK was slowly going less darker than previous days.
CD14: BD tonight, I was extra wet tonight.. really like slippery ewcm kinda feeling. Still cramping still.. And lower backache.. Felt dizzy at times.. neck cramps on my right side down to my shoulder.
CD15: OPKs lines basically almost invisible.. So i assumed that I've ovulated earlier with Clomid. My nipples starts aching.. still feeling some pinches and aching on my right pelvic region/ovary.
CD18: My boobs felt slightly tender, but my nipple continues to feel sore and sensitive.. like its basically erected all of a sudden. And yes, my body is still warm than my usual.. feeling joint aches, still cramping sensation on my lower abdomen. its only 12noon now and I feel like sleeping again. lower backache again.. I somehow felt wet down there.. but when i wipe there is nothing and no stains on my pantyliner except for some yellowish stain which is super little.. just need the urge to POAS and as expected its BFN so i wll wait till the end of this month to do the test.. Also, I realised that my skins are itching.. Especially on my upper arm and face.. I have no idea why... hormones???
CD19: Was constipated last night.. Spent like a good 15mins in the bathroom for that. Then this morning I had diarrhoea?! HORMONES? And also starting to have some yellowish milky discharges upon wiping.. Not alot.. just stains and dry.. Not lotiony or watery discharges.. I'm starting to have some mild sore throat with no fever but warm temps I could say.. Pain upon swallowing some water.. Still feeling nipple soreness.. And I'm currently having some abdominal cramping like across my abdomen like as if AF is approaching? But I am not due yet for at least 13 days? Joint aches especially my thigh area and shoulder and lower dull backaches.. Urgh.. I am struggling to stay awake right now at work. Felt so sleepy..
CD20 (DPO10): I'm still having cramp.. More like below my belly button. Aching and dull poking kinda sensation. My nipples are still aching and feeling full? Sore Throat with phlegm, no fever.. Still feeling warmer, notice some small amount of yellowish sticky stains upon wiping.. Not lotiony or wet.. Did HCG test on a IC, (results posted in page 2). Not keen to accept the results as I manage to see it after 5mins but less than 10 minutes reading. For what I know that IC has no history of evap in my previous cycles that I've tested with. Once its dry, it doesn't even show any evap lines. Will test again on DPO13 (Sunday) Ans also, we BD tonight.. Feeling much LOVED.. LOL!!
Was constipated in the morning, diarrhoea at night..
CD21: So today (23/02/18), manage to get my Progesterone Blood done by my department Dr as my veins are pretty hard to obtain as its deep in, and also, since I've been poked, might as well did a Beta HCG for fun.. Not sure if its too early but since it's free, why not? LOL!! So today I realised that I had some yellowish discharges.. dry and sticky? Not much just about a droplet or two stains on the panty liner. I have no idea why but yeah..My nipples are still sore since 5DPO and i realised that around my aerola outer ring has like pore like holes? Not a bump on it.. like opened pores around it.. Never seen that before.. At times its itchy but mostly nipple sore and side boobs once awhile will aches.. sleepy and feeling heavy headed... Just wanna lazed around the house.. Constipated again at work while diarrhoea at home.. Hormones..
CD22 (24/02/18): Im currently at work, feeling that my nipples are crinkling in my bra as its erected as if i've submerge them into ice water. Feeling aches at my underarms (side boobs area) And feeling just heavy & sleepy. Slept like a LOG last night and woke up twice just to pee with urgent urge.. Feelings lower abodmen cramps still below my belly button area & some bubbling feelings which I don't know if its from my active bowel movements or my uterus.. mostly on the right side. And at 10.52am my cramps felt like dull AF period. Also felt a pinch or poking feelings at about 12.04pm while typing this in.. I dunno.. With yellowish stains still upon wiping..
42.4 nmol/l - (13.33ng/dl)
Which I was told that any readings above 30nmol/L means that you've ovulated on the cycle.. And if I were to ovulate earlier by 3 days (let's say laa) I should have tested on CD18-CD19 which I assume would show a higher reading! Because CD21 Progesterone is based for those who has a 28 Days cycle menses. While mine are all over the town.. LOL!
So I dunno what to expect yet for now, as I assume and pretty sure that I've ovulated on CD11.. So usually the eggs should be released after 24-36hours later which could make it as CD13 as 2DPO? And implantation take places around 6DPO to 12DPO (CD17-CD23 perhaps) So currently I'm in CD22.. And the test can be done 4-9 days after that.. Will just wait then..
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