Tuesday, 21 April 2020

21st April 2020 - CD11 - IVF ICSI #1 (STIM DAY 9)

Hey ladies!

Let's get this post done!

20th April 2020, I went back to my IVF Dept to get me morning jab (Orgalutran 0.25iu) & scans done..

I was queue no 10 patiently waiting.. It was around 20-30minutes when it's my turn to get the scan done..

So the sonographer is the same lady who did for me during my IUI period. And today the transvaginal scan will last slightly longer as they needed to count the eggs.

So get ready to see the results! **EXCITED MODE**

20th April 2020, Monday @ 8.15am
Transvaginal Scan
CD 10

Right Ovary - 15mm, 14mm, 13.5mm, 13mm, 12.5mm, 12mm, 12mm, 11mm, 10.5mm, 10mm, 10mm, 10mm, 10mm

Left Ovary - 14.5mm, 14mm, 13.5mm, 13mm, 12mm, 12mm, 10.5mm. 10mm, 9mm, 8mm, 8mm

Uterus Lining - 8.5mm

 Masyallah!!!! Look at the number of eggs!!! The sonographer tried to be as gentle as possible while doing the scans but I had some discomfort during the procedure..

I realized that I was not able to pee properly this morning & felt extremely sore at my ovaries (pelvic regions) when sitting on the toilet seat. I was afraid I had OHSS.. But alhamdulilah (thank god) it wasn't.

She even mentioned that she will count the other eggs on the next scans.. Which means, I have other eggs not detected & measured???

More than 23 eggs ladies!!! 23 eggs!!! Alhamdulilah!!!

I checked online on the sizes of the eggs needed to be before the retrieval. There are many different sites that shared different range. But the most common range that I saw was

16mm - 22mm (ideally) 

And some even stated

13mm onwards

Also, for the lining ideally will be better if it's Tri-laminar (triple line) & thickness is above

9mm - 10mm 

I was super happy to hear that! And once it's done, I was told to proceed to the waiting area for the consultation with the Dr.

Waited around 10 minutes, I was attended by a male Dr who explained to me that I responded well to the drugs & I have alot of eggs!! And he mentioned that I needed to continue with another 2 more days of injections to increase the size of the eggs before the retrieval and head back for the next scan on Wednesday, 22nd April 2020. So he pass me the prescriptions for me to collect from the Pharmacy & return back to the clinic to get the drugs mixed by the nurses from the previous vials.

So I did that, thanked the staffs & Dr, proceed to the Pharmacy and get the drugs.. Returned to the IVF department, press a number & waited. My butt was not even warming up, my number was called.. It was that EFFICIENT! LOL!! So the nurses did what she did best, jab me with no mercy & off I head home, feeling extremely tired & sleepy..

So I head to my mom's place to rest as I was all alone at home, bought some meals for them & rested for about 3 hours before heading home. I did not tell them anything on this IVF procedure. It was between Mountain Bear, Me & my medical team at work. I just want it to be super caution this round.. I don't want to work on excitements much when it's not confirmed yet..

So that's for Monday!!

21st April 2020, I was woken up by Mountain Bear at 7 in the morning for the Jab..

OH MY ALLAH............................. The fear............ The worry..................

Got up, run to the living room sofa with my blanky & lay under his arm.. My head keeps repeating the "poking part" scene & how badly the pain was & how much I will delay in getting it poke into my fats..

Mountain Bear was sitting beside me as I took the items from the fridge, had my first jab done. Gonal F wasn't bad at all as the needle is thin and small.. But Orgalutran needle... Masyallah... Gives me the creeps & goosebumps by just seeing it. I told Mountain Bear to pull my hair (Yes, I told him to do that) in an effort to divert my pain sensation & asked him to squeeze my thigh as I injected it. That tactic worked slightly but then I started talking nonsense with him as to distract the cooling sensation from the drugs entering to my fats as I push the syringe in... It was a traumatic period for me.. Hahahaha!!! But Mountain Bear keeps supporting me, by saying that "I AM STRONG & YOU CAN DO IT BABY!" I cried.. Not because of the cheering up words, but the after pain.. HAHAHAHA!

Oh well, that's done! Mountain Bear head off to work & after a bear hug from him, I head back to bed and tried to sleep as I'm working afternoon this whole week!

So let's recap on the injection list

STIM #7 (19/4/2020) Sunday
175iu - Gonal F 450iu Pen
Right Belly
0.5mls - Orgalutran (Administered by Mountain Bear)
Left Belly
Symptoms: Sleepy, Tired, bloated, mild cramping both sides

STIM #8 (20/4/2020) Monday
175iu - Gonal F 450iu Pen balance + new 300iu Pen (Mixed by Nurse)
Left Belly
0.5mls - Orgalutran (Administered by Nurse)
Right Belly
Symptoms: Sleepy, Tired, bloated, clear discharges

STIM #9 (21/4/2020) Tuesday
175iu - Gonal F 300iu Pen
Right Belly
0.5mls - Orgalutran (Administered by self)
Left Belly
Symptoms: Vaginal Soreness, bloated, clear discharges

So yeah, hopefully tomorrow my eggs are at the ideal size and we can start to proceed with the egg retrieval process!! This coming Friday is our Ramadhan & fasting is required. I really hope the procedure can be done on Thursday.

Alright ladies! Will update you soonest! Take care!!


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