Friday 17 April 2020

18th April 2020 CD8 - IVF ICSI #1 (STIM DAY 6)

Hi Ladies,

What a week......

I mean really......................... WHAT A WEEK!!!

Today is my CD8 and DAY6 STIM with the fertility injections.. *ouchh*

I would like to share some symptoms that I have been going through and also share with you the list of drugs & it's schedules.


STIM #1 (13/4/2020) Monday
175iu - Gonal F 900iu Pen
Left Belly
Symptoms: Extremely sleepy & tired, Headache

STIM #2 (14/4/2020) Tuesday
175iu - Gonal F 900iu Pen
Right Belly
Symptoms: Extremely sleepy & tired, diarrhoea, cramping

STIM #3 (15/4/2020) Wednesday
175iu - Gonal F 900iu Pen
Left Belly
Symptoms: Sleepy but insomnia, pelvic cramping, diarrhoea

STIM #4 (16/4/2020) Thursday
175iu - Gonal F 900iu Pen
Right Belly
Symptoms: Pelvic Cramping increase, tired, insomnia, diarrhoea, bloated

STIM #5 (17/4/2020) Friday
175iu - Gonal F 900iu Pen
Right Belly
0.5mls - Orgalutran (Administered by my clinic Dr)
Left Belly
Symptoms: Hot flushes, cramping on both sides, yellowish discharges no foul smell, tired, backache, bloated

STIM #6 (18/4/2020) Saturday
175iu - Gonal F 450iu Pen
Left Belly
0.5mls - Orgalutran (Administered by my clinic Dr)
Right Belly
Symptoms: Sleepy, Tired, bloated, mild cramping both sides

Oh my goodness...... It has been a pretty mental stressing period for me trying to inject myself with these.. But Mountain Bear has been very very very supportive and sensitive towards me doing the injections.. I really hope that this injections is sufficient enough to allow my eggs to grow maturely to the adoring size for Egg Retrieval.. The dosage for Gonal - F are from 50iu to 450iu daily, depending on the Drs prescriptions and also the responses from the patients but also, this can cause OHSS to those who underwent it.. Precaution is needed when higher doses is given with more frequent scans done to check the eggs response...

Oh ya! I forgotten to include my AMH results.. 9.0 ng/ml

Yeap..... PCOS is definitely my diagnosis!! But also, I have TONS of eggs!! But my egg might not be of the greatest & the bestest quality as the number is large... But hopefully after the Egg Retrieval, the number will reduce..

I've also included taking in my Metformin 500mg TDS, Vitamin C, Brazil Nuts, Almond Nuts & Drinking red date drinks. Trying to cut down on my cold sodas.

Tomorrow is SUNDAY, I need to inject the Orgalutran on my own... URGHHH!!! I couldn't sleep well thinking about it!! Just 2 more days for injections!!!

Monday morning, I will be heading to my clinic to get a scan done & another Orgalutran shots by the nurses..

I will definitely update you ladies on the scans report and the next steps!

Hoping for the best!!!

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